the new lingo
Alright kids...
I know that this is the computer generation and everything, but sometimes, I feel like I am being left behind! While reading some of your blogs, I come across all sorts of abbreviations that I have no fucking clue what they mean...for example...
3. pwn3d
4. Oh, hell, the list could go on and on...those were just a few I could think of off the top of my head
Please, somebody out there in blogger land...bring me into the 21st century of abbreviations...please!! I love reading your blogs, but sometimes I have absolutely no damn idea what you are talking about..I know, sounds kinda dumb huh....but if you can't be dumb with your blogger friends, then who the hell can you be dumb with, right??? RIGHT??? LOL (I know what that fucker means)
Now, being that I am the biggest procrastinator who ever walked the earth, I am no where near being done with my christmas shopping!! Ah, fuck it....maybe I will just give money...wait, if I give money to my kids, then who do you think will have to drag her happy ass to the mall??? ME... thats who!! So, I might as well just bite the big Christmas fucking bullet and get the shit done with! Here, lets throw in a BAH HUMBUG just for good measure... I love, love love watching the kids open their presents on Christmas morning, and I love to watch their faces...all happy and glowing...until the first fucking toy breaks, thats it...then its all whining and bitching...Merry fucking Christmas bitches!!! I know it doesn't sound like it right now, but I usually do love the holiday season...if only I could have the holidays without all the snow and crowds and expense and whining and shopping at the last minute...oh shit, I guess I can't huh?
Well, its all about the kids right? Those greedy little life suckers better appreciate everything they get or its off to military school!! hahahahahah That would be great wouldn't it? "What, you don't like your celebration barbie??? its off to the salt mines for you girlie!" hahahah What a lovely thought."You didn't get the right pokemon game?? " "Pack you bags buster...the marines are waiting for you!" happy happy joy joy!! Now, thats some holiday cheer for ya!
I feel sure that my kids are gonna have my ass in an old folks home just as soon as the first grey hair shows up! I hear them whispering in their rooms late at night...I'm so on to them! hahah
Have a great night...hohoho MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
see ya
egan- good try sweetie!
shaken-haaaaaa...that urban thingie is great!! thanks!
Just in case...
BTW - By the way
G/F - Girlfriend
B/F - Boyfriend
WTF - What the fuck
I'm sure you knew what those were but I use those alot so I just thought I'd put it out there anyway! hehe
Yeah Christmas would be alot better if everyone wasn't shopping at the same time lol.
How is your partner's best friend's wife and her family now?
hmm or WWJD?
LMFAO at Phats! WTF is up with all of these abbreviations? I know, we are all lazy, that's what!
Ms. Nutty Blonde, yes.. those are Ed's nards, nads, balls, testicles, manhood, etc.
Big Ed, I love what you said about the abbreviations. I knew there was a reason I liked you other than your wonderful balls.
Phats, you know its not WWJD, its WWRKD...get it right...
Do I sense some pouting Wendy? Facial tissue?
egan- nooooooooo...ok, maybe a little...nothing worse than not being the popular one in your own comment section ya know? hahah
Hello...its What Would R. Kelly Do...
and seeing that you have kids for sale, how appropriate...
Seahag you're freakin' hilarious!!
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