Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Are you kidding me??

Hello again everybody!!!!!
I hope that all of you had a fabulous Christmas and that everyone is safe and sound. We had a really nice day with the fam...(except for the crackwhore sister, who struck again, but more on that later) and the kids loved all of their presents. Of course there was the inevitable things like...not having the right damn batteries for the mp3 player, or the new jacket not fitting my son(I told him he's not allowed to grow anymore!! LOL)or my bitch ass younger sister(not the crackwhore) complaining about anything and everything (she actually counted the gifts that my parents gave to her two kids and then had the nerve to say to my mom...

"Hey mom, did you realize that you gave Jordan (her daughter) 2 more gifts than you gave to Collin(her son)?"
so my mom says...

"Yes dick licker(not really, but I wish she would have called her that!) I realize exactly what I gave to both of your kids, and I wrapped all 3 of the toy cars together for Collin, I am not a fucking idiot ya know?"

We always try to keep the gifts numbers right around the same, because you know how kids are, if someone else gets a bunch more gifts, there will be a war! Even though some gift may have cost more than 2 gifts that were given to the other kid, they don't see it that way...cause they are kids! And, cause its Christmas, we don't want them beating the shit out of each other do we? And now, on to "The tale of the cock-sucking crackwhore"...

For those who have read my blog before, you know that I don't have much love left for crackwhore because she has just about ripped my family apart on more that one occasion. Well, after the shit she pulled this time, its safe to say that the tiny little speck of love that I used to have is now smashed to smithereens! Crackwhore's kids (3of them, daughter age8, son age 11,and son age15) have been living with my parents because their mom can't be trusted not to sell them into slavery for a rock...I'm not kidding folks she is that low!

Crackwhore hasn't been allowed to come around because we are trying to let the kids heal after all the bull shit that they have gone through with her...we have given this bitch soooooo many chances...she has gone through rehab countless times, not just the 30 day deal either, we are talking about her being out of state, in a hard core rehab for 11 months...and she comes back, stays clean for up to a year, and then fucks up all over again! It's been awful for these kids because of the ups and downs...she's in their lives, she's out of their lives...we just had to put a stop to it, so we took the therapist advice (oh yeah, we all went to family therapy, trying to help her be normal again) and we are trying the "tough love" approach...not taking her calls, not giving her money...those types of things. So, as Christmas was getting closer and closer, the young one (her daughter) starts saying that she wants to see her mom...the kids still love her...thats their mom, no matter how many times she fucks up, they will probably always love her. So we all try to get the daughter's mind off of seeing crackwhore, but she wouldn't let it go. After talking about it in a "family conference", we decide to let crackwhore come to my parents house to see the kids a couple days before Christmas. She said that she had a few gifts for them, so we thought it would be a nice visit.

So, crackwhore shows up (with no presents...she forgot them, rotten bitch!!!) has a 20 minute visit with the kids and says that she has to go...mind you, she hasn't seen the kids in quite a while, but oh well, I guess she just had some where more important to be. Her daughter was sad that she was leaving, but happy that she got to see her mom. So, crackwhore leaves... the rest of us visited for a while and then we left too. I get a frantic call from my mom at 6:00 am the next morning...crackwhore had broken into their house in the middle of the night and

stolen all the Christmas presents!!!!!

Thats right folks, that rotten shitbag came to visit her kids, saw all of the gifts under the tree, and figures...what the hell, those will get me a bunch of rocks from the drug dealer!! She stole her own kid's gifts from under my parents tree...the ones they had to buy for her kids because she wasn't doing her fucking job as a parent to begin with! She has done some really underhanded things since she became an addict, but this one was by far the worst!

Of course the kids knew that she had stolen their gifts, because when they woke up, there was nothing under the tree...but when they had gone to bed the night before, the tree had been packed with presents. We don't lie to the kids when it comes to crackwhore...we don't tell them all of the gory details, cause they are kids after all, but we don't make excuses for their cunt of a mom either.

My mom was just a mess to say the least...this was like 2 days before Christmas, and now we didn't have any gifts to give to these kids! OMG, it was a rough fucking day...we didn't know what we were gonna do. We knew that we couldn't let these kids wake up on Christmas morning with nothing under the tree, so I took the bonus that my love bud had gotten from work and went flying out to the stores trying to clean up my sisters mess! We also have a wonderful church, and when they heard what had happened, people from the church started helping...there really are alot of awesome people in this world...its the good people who help make up for the shitty ones.

There was no way my parents could go and rebuy all of those gifts, cause they had bought most of them to begin with! So, between my love bud's bonus, and all of the great people from the church, we managed to give those kids a great Christmas...let me tell you, those 2 days were pretty frantic... I was tearing through the malls and department stores like a maniac.

But, we did it, and just seeing the smiles on those faces when they opened up their gifts was so worth it. Have I mentioned that I hate that bitch? She will always be my sister...we have the same parents and all...but I will never forgive her for the suffering she has put her kids and our whole family through. We all try and help out, buy my parents have basically given up their whole lives for those kids. We have decided that they are gonna come and stay with us for the summer...my parents sooooo need a break...and if it goes smoothly, we are seriously thinking about making it legal with an adoption. Our family used to hope that crackwhore would get clean, and we have prayed for her and us for years...but after everything is said and done, we have to just realize that she isn't the same girl that we used to know and love...that girl is gone...lost to the drugs...we have to let go of that hope and just make a life for her kids.

Whew, sorry this was such a long post, thank you for reading...just typing this has helped me deal with it a little.

see ya


babyjewels said...

Oh man. I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that. But great job turning it around. One of my best friends sisters is a herion addict, same deal. In and out of about 50 rehabs in 10 years all over the country and tropical locations. She'll do good for awhile and then fall off again. It's a mess and so unfair to the rest of the family. No one should have to deal with the aftermath of an addict.

Scarlet Hip said...

Holy crap!!! And I thought my family was one for the books. What a fabulous thing you all did saving the holiday for the kids. I'm truly surprised you didn't all hunt her down and shoot her like an animal.

I missed Christmas - so I'll say Happy New Year!!

Anonymous said...

WMY to the rescue yet again. You and your parents are doing a wonderful job with those kids. I am sure they will thank you later in life if they are not already :-)
Glad that you made their Christmas alot better than what it might have been otherwise.
Good on ya!

wmy said...

baby j= I agree, dealing with the crap that addicts leave behind is the worst...

brooke- first off, Happy New Year right back atcha! She took off and went into hiding at some crack dealers house or somewhere else, we can't find her...and the police have been absolutely no help at all...we can't "prove" that she did it and blah blah blah...she has a huge police record, so they know she is awful, but unless we can prove that it was her, she will walk away again...but, if I ever get a hold of her, she has got a beat down coming...big time!

Gareth- The kids are worth it, and it's not their fault that they have an asshole for a mom.

wmy said...

HT- thanks! They really are good kids, especially considering what they have been through.

Tim said...

Just when I thought I'd heard everything!! Wow. I'm so glad you were able to give those kids a nice Christmas anyway, despite your sister's actions.

BTW, thanks for linking me!! I feel special....