Saturday, December 17, 2005

never guaranteed tommorrow

Its a bad day folks...

My hubby's best friend died yesterday... He was only 40 years old and he was in great shape. I mean, this guy ran every single day...rain or snow or shine. He watched what he ate and just generally took good care of himself...then BAM!!! heart attack!!!

I don't get it...there are people out there who shovel greasy food down daily, and drink and smoke and trash their bodies every day...and they live to be 100! This guy had 2 young kids and his wife is pregnant with their 3rd, and it just sucks! I know I sound bitter right now, and thats cause I am...I don't mean to imply that people who drink or smoke deserve to die suddenly, but it just makes no sense when someone who tries so hard to lead a healthy life is stricken down in the prime of it ya know??? It is scary, and it makes you think............ You are never guaranteed tommorrow!! Please hug those you love close to you! If you have been meaning to call an old friend or even someone you see fairly often, and you have been too busy lately, just please call them...tell them you were thinking about them and that you love never know if you are gonna get a chance to do that tommorrow...

Please be safe this holiday season, and gather your loved ones around you!

see ya


egan said...

Wendy, this is a very sad post. Thanks for sharing the unfortunate news. Holidays are already tough, I feel horribly for his family.

Hugs to you Wendy and your family and of course to his family. I'm so sorry to hear about this sudden change of events. Death is never ever easy. Hang in there Wendy.

wmy said...

Egan- You are awesome...thats all I have to say!

egan said...

Sadly this story is too personal for me. I wish that family and yours the best. Offer support without judging them or dictating what to do. I am sure you already know this though. Peace out!

SignGurl said...

Aww Wendy. I'm so sorry this happened and right before Christmas too.

*Hugs & Kisses to you and your family*

Anonymous said...

Awww that is so sad to hear. One of my friends had a heart attack last year, he was 39 but thankfully he survived it and is doing very well now.
It is possible to be too fit as well as not fit enough. Think about all the professional athletes that die in the middle of playing their chosen sport. It is really sad.
Love to your hubby's friend's wife and family.

Tim said...


It's true that you never know when your time is up, so it's always a good thing to have your i's dotted and t's crossed if you know what I mean.

Tell your hubby that I'll pray for that family, especially during the Christmas season.


yournamehere said...

Wendy, my deepest sympathies to you, your husband, and your friend's family. This is a tough situation. I have no answers.

You are so right when you say we should all cherish our loved ones this holiday season.

Phats said...

I am so sorry to hear this! You and your hubby will be in my thoughts and prayers.

wmy said...

thanks everybody!!

Mike said...

Wow, that was intense.

egan said...

Mike, you (in the singular and plural sense) are hot.