Tuesday, January 03, 2006


hello again

I don't have much tonight kiddies cause I'm sleepy, so very very sleepy...just one thing though...

I had to work tonight and the weirdes fucking thing imaginable happened! My coworker, we will call her "Gummy" for privacy sake, came to work, WITH NO TEETH IN HER MOUTH!!! Now, normally she has a beautiful set of chompers, but not tonight! When I noticed that she was toothless (which was right fucking away) I said to her...

"Where the hell are your teeth gummy?"
her hand flies to her mouth, and she says...
"Oh my god, I forgot to put them in before I came to work tonight"

all this was said with a funny little lisping accent cause she had NO DAMN TEETH!!

Apparently, gummy has been the proud owner of a set of dentures for years now, she just never mentioned this to those of us who work with her, and who would really? Needless to say, Gummy was mortified that she had come to work with out her teeth in and we had found out her dark secret...she said she was running late and had forgotten to get them out of their denture cup!!! hahahahahahhaaaa
Of course she had to go home and get them, cause who want a toothless waitress waiting on them right?
I was totally expecting her to quit on the spot...but she came back and worked her shift. Afterward, she was trying to tell all of us girls how much better it is to be toothless cause..." The guys really love blowjobs by women with no teeth" No fucking thank you!! I think I will keep my teeth and just be careful not to bite him...

I probably sound a little cold for laughing at Gummy the cock gummer, but it was tooooo funny not to post about!

Have a super night...and go brush your teeth...

see ya


egan said...

There are days when I wish I had dentures. Just take them out at night and put them in a glass for cleaning. Oh life would be so simple.

How the hell does someone forget to put those puppies in though? That's crazy. The blow job thing is something else. I think it would be a Golden Girls nightmare.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh :)
How the hell could you forget to put your dentures in?! Surely you would feel that something was missing, no?

Big Pissy said...

Oh. My. God. *shudder* I have a THING about teeth. I've even posted about it! HOW COULD YOU FORGET YOUR F'ING TEETH?!?!?
And she bragged about guys liking bj's from her sans teeth?!?! What kind of guys are we talking about? Convicts escaped from the state pen? Ewwwwwww!!!!

SignGurl said...

First off I'd like to say congrats on getting the weather bitch to give us the weather using the English measurement system! Woo Hoo! (I love teasing you)

How old is Gummy? Is she like in her 80's? I can't imagine not having teeth. That's like being blind to me!

SignGurl said...

P.S. Now if we can just get your blog into the Eastern Time Zone, you'll be all set! (Did I mention I love teasing you?)

SuperSpyGal said...

LMAOOOOO...how can anyone NOT realize that their teefs aren't in their mouth???....can you imagine the poor guy who's getting the gummer hummer and looks down to see her "smiling" up at him....whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!

Tumbleweed said...

OMG, that was great! I almost got in trouble at work for laughing out loud. My favorite part is "Gummy the cock gummer". You should send that in for a commercial.
Tip for good waitress: $10.00
Comfortable shoes: $50.00
Having a co-worker who sucks cock without her dentures: Priceless

Tim said...

That's just way too funny. I can see forgetting other things when you leave the house but your teeth? OOOOOH. What other body parts can we leave at home tonight?

And I don't even want to think about the bj sans choppers...

Rocky (Racquel) said...

LOL! Of course, I wish I could magically erase the visual I got when reading about gummy... eeewww!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I can see that I will be back here for sure to see what's going on in Grand Rapids!

barman said...

I think gummy was just trying to make light of an embarresing situation. I have done that before. Better to do that then to pretend it did not happen. If you defuse it maybe it will not be so bad.

I think it is a little strange but if you do not have anyone to talk to before coming into work I can see showing up sans choppers.

Can I tell a little funny story with regards to dentures, please?

Someone I used to work with one time lost his dentures. He had no idea what he did with it so he finally got another pair. Well a little less than a year from then he heard his daughter let out this loud scream. It turned out that he had, after a few pops as he called them, managed to put his dentures into her cold cream for a denture container and she did not use the stuff again until the following winter. What a shock that must have been.

yournamehere said...

One time I left my artificial torso at home. Talk about embarrassing.

wmy said...

I was just a gigglin reading your comments folks...BTW, "gummy" is 28 years old! She never took really good care of her teeth growing up, and they rotted out on her....dentures here we come!!LOL

wmy said...

jenn- I'm workin on it...slowly, but surely...LOL

wmy said...

Egan- I love the Golden Girls!!

Tumbleweed said...

I hope I made you giggle! 28? Now that is just wrong!

Pat & Reg said...

Holy crap that's funny! How can you ever look at her again without wanting to laugh? If she were my co-worker, oooh, I'd be brutal...

Anonymous said...

Funny, my co worker dropped her bottoms in a paper pop cup {they were bothering her} it was busy, I filled the cup with ice and mix then served it . Imagine ! She glues them in now


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