Saturday, January 14, 2006

Here I am

Hello everybody, I am baaacccckkkkk!!! You may now resume your lives...I know it was pretty fucking empty these last days without me, but please, try and pick up the pieces and move on k? LOL
I missed all of you too!
Where have I been you ask??? Well, let me tell ya...Milton West Virginia, better known as the Capital of the sister fuckers! I had to go down there with my dad cause he had some family business to attend to, and I was the lucky mofo who got elected to make the drive with him...ohhhh, fun fun fun times were had by all...NOT! Have you ever been somewhere, and you look around at the citizens of that place, and you just know their town motto is "Incest is best...its a game the whole family can play??" I don't think we came across anyone who actually had a full set of teeth left in their mouth...But, oh yeah, remember that toothless bitches give good head! hahahahhaa

Now, my dad was born and raised in West Virginia...way back in the hills of West Virginia! As we drove deeper into the hills, the "scenery" just got better and better. I kept having thoughts of Jeff Foxworthy tumbling around in my brain..."If you mow your lawn and find a car...You might be a redneck!"
"Well hells bells Ethel, why should we go buy one of them thar new fangled, high falutin cars, when we can put together a fine jalopy from parts off the 1800 cars we have in our "yard"?
"Oh Elroy, you always get me so hornified when you talk about getting your fingers all greasy workin on our new automobeeelllll."

We all have relatives who we don't reallywant to claim right? Well, these bitches from the hills are my hidden shame. I am amazed my dad made it out of there before he was hillbillified too bad! Hillbillified is a word now okay?? LOL

I am sure that there are plenty of people from the fine state of West Virginia who don't sleep with their brothers and sisters...and by sleep with, I mean hump!! Unfortunately, we didn't happen to run into any of the non sister fuckers. Maybe next time huh?

For now, I am just glad I made it out of there before my uncle knocked me up!

see ya


barman said...

Oh Wendy Sue, this is yer long lost cuz looking yer up. Girl, why you leave so fast?

Glad you have returned. I managed to get driving down some small roads in the back hills in Kentucky. I think I aw some stills going. I was affraid to stop out of fear that they would protect their stills.

My one trip to West Virgina was for white water rafting. Now the first motel was insane and fits in with what you describe here. The second one, the one we actually stayed at, was much nicer. So my experience so fas has been a good'n.

Mr. Shife said...

Good thing you got out of there when you did. You don't want to be an uncle fucker. That is a label that just follows you around everywhere. And you painted such a pretty picture of West Virginia that I can't wait to never, ever visit that state.
Welcome back to civilization.

SuperSpyGal said...

As I was reading this I had scenes from Deliverance dancing in my head....I still can't rid myself of the sounds of the banjos....Glad you made it out alive and with all your teeth !!
Welcome Back !

Anonymous said...

Oh way to go! You just lifted your tail up and high-tailed it outta there. I never knew you could run so fast haha.
And woot for being back at this blogging malarkey. Did you miss it??? :)

Mike said...

It is about time you found your way back! Glad to have you!

yournamehere said...

Don't ever leave for so long again.

Tim said...

I've never been to WVa. I guess I'll be thankful for that.

what else can i say...

glad you're back in one piece...

Bat said...

I hear the sounds of Dueling Banjos in my head as I read this blog.

Polyman2 said...

Did anyone say:
you got a pirty mouth.

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