Saturday, January 07, 2006

Here, let me shove my hand up your ass!

ok, so,,, I almost got my fucking ass fired tonight, and it was all a bunch of bullshit...let me explain...

I was working the lounge tonight at my fuck me up the ass job, and we were pretty were flowing nicely. Anyway, I get a table of guys who proceed to start pounding down the molson like they had just come from the fucking desert! I bring out their fourth round, go to collect the money,(they had a big pile of bills in the middle of the table, they told me to just go ahead and grab what I needed) and one of these slack jawed yokels decides he can grab my ass! I'm not talking about a little tap here...for a minute, I thought I was at my gyno's office, he had his hand sooooo in the wrong place!

I work in the bar business, I don't mind a little tap here and there...guys and drinks...things happen sometimes...I am usually pretty laid back about it.

Not this time fucker! I whip around and this cocky bastard says to me...
"I figured while you were grabbing what you needed, I would just grab what I needed too!" haaa haaa haaa (you know that dumb sounding laugh some stupid guys have right?) Well, I of course had to smack him right? RIGHT??? Then, this waste of a penis has the nerve to complain to the manager!! I mean my god, I could just about feel his fingers wiggling around by my gina...and he is gonna whine to the manager????

"All I did was give her a little tap on the rear end, and she punched me in the face" he whined pitifully. FUCKING LIAR!!

So, the weasly little manager calls me over, and in front of this idiot says to me, "Wendy, did you put your hands on this gentleman?"
"Yep" I pretty much growled at him
So weasle manager says to idiot that he will "take care of me" and he is so sorry, and the bill will be comped...blah blah blah... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS??

Well, when we got back in the office, and weasle tried to lay into me, I let him know EXACTLY what had gone down with this jackass customer...weasle still tried to give me a hard time about it! "Your lucky you still have your job young lady" he says to me.
"I am not so sure that I want to work for a company that will let the customers molest their help either" I scream at him...I called the district manager as soon as I got home tonight...BTW, weasle is only an assistant...the district manager fucking loves me, and hates weasle, so I have this one in the bag!

It is just so pathetic that it became such a big deal in the first place ya know? Weasle should have had my back from the very beginning, and made that asshole leave the restaurant...but, Oh well, weasle is already on thin ice for some other things he has screwed up in the past...I am sure that he won't be around for long! MOTHER FUCKING COCKSUCKING SON OF A BITCH!

There, now I feel better...

see ya


yournamehere said...

Boy, have I been drunk in public, and I've never put my hands where they weren't invited. Alcohol is just an excuse; that guy's a douche.

SuperSpyGal said...

Soooooooo....ummmmmm.....did you atleast get a good tip??? LOL

barman said...

What a fucked up situation. First that person had no business putting his hands on you period let alone getting as personal as he did. Where you work is lucky you do not bring a lawsuit against them.

That customer should have been tossed out on his ear never to return. I don't care who they are.

In saying that, I have managed to touch a waitress inappropriate a few times including almost beating one up. I felt so bad. Of course each time was completely by accident. I am much more careful now when I am getting up to leave.

Weasel needs to be fired, end of discussion.

SignGurl said...

That monkeyballlickingcocksuckinganalseapageeatingasshole better watch out! If I run across him I'll smack him so hard he will have to have his BVD's surgically removed.

Pat & Reg said...

Holy cow! I would've knocked the guy's block off. A slap in the face is a light sentence. Next time I get my knickers in a bunch when one of my idiot customers snaps their fingers at me, I'll remember this and remind myself that it could be worse..

Mr. Shife said...

The customer and the assistant manager are a couple of ass hats. You should not be subjected to that at the workplace. The customer is definitely wrong and no matter how drunk you are you should still respect people's rights. I hope the manager gets what he deserves and so does that dickhead of a customer.

Polyman2 said...

What would Daisy Dukes do
in a situation like this?

Well, you did the right thing,
except you should have laid out
the Weasel also...
Could always claim he got frisky
with you and take your chances.

wmy said...

Yep,yep, yep, yep, yep, etc...I agree with all of you...weasle is on his way out, and he is too stupid to realize it! Too bad, so sad...hahaha

Ron Southern said...

If I were more timely, I'd want to offer to help take that customer outside and stomp him in the dirt. Lucky for me, it's all over!