Monday, January 02, 2006

slow and steady

PAT...PAT...PAT... that is the sound of me patting myself on the back for finally getting that little weather bitch to show up in the sidebar of my blog!! I am not a stupid person, (really folks, I had a 4.0 all the way through H.S) but sometimes trying to figure out all the little ins and outs and sidesteps to this blogging is enough to get me to change my name to Forrest Forrest, runnnnnnn. Sorry, I had to throw that in there. LOL Anywho...thanks to the help from my good buddy Bryan the barman, I am gonna try and add that damn "recently updated" thingy to my links. God help me folks...I am just a glutton for punishment I guess. If you don't hear from me for a few days, please send help, cause it means I have gone over the deep end trying to figure it all out!

Yep, they'll find me days from now, cowering in a dark corner of my house, drooling and standing on end... mumbling the words "I just wanted to be like the cool kids" over and over again. hahahahaha Damn you to hell, you blogging devil!!! You shall not defeat me! Okay, okay, so maybe I am a little stupid. LOL

Its official guys...I have already busted a giant fucking hole through my New Years resolution to eat more healthily(is healthily a word?)...maybe its healthfully, whatever, I am getting sidetracked again. Ok, so I was gonna try and eat more healthy foods right? WRONG!!! All it took was one innocent looking can of Kraft Easy Cheese, and a box of Chicken in a Buiscuit was all over but the crying folks! I ate the whole damn box of crackers along with the entire can of cheese!! Fatty, fatty two by four, can't get through any door, if this keeps up. I know, I will start my resolutions tomorrow! Yeah...yeah, that sounds like the right thing to do...I don't want to start too agressively on this health kick, cause I might hurt myself ya know.(I could happen, stop laughing!!) The turtle did win the race after all you know...slow and steady...I wonder how long I can continue to lie to myself this way??? We'll see.... hahahahaha
I hope the rest of you can be as disciplined as me....LOL...good luck!

see ya


egan said...

Speak up, I can't hear you. What did you add to your site?

wmy said...

Egan-Your just askin for it... you know that don't you?

egan said...

Huh, what's your beef with me? I didn't do anything to you. I just can't read what's on your blog. I need to squint to see stuff here.

barman said...

Hey best of luck with the features. Also keep in mind you said more healthy. That means better than before, not healthy all the time. You can do it just like I can pull of this diet I have not started yet but will today more or less. I still have some things to clear out of here.

Anonymous said...

Wow I thought I had gained super human eyesight when I started reading the first paragraph lol.
Just eat whatever you want and then go for a jog :-P

wmy said...

Egan- you need a spankin!

Barman- yep, we can both do it! Good luck to us!

gareth- line up next to Egan, your gonna get one too!

HT- I know sweetie, I know...

egan said...

This post is like the large print version of Reader's Digest, sans the content.

wmy said...

Egan- thats it!!! I'm lacing up my boxing gloves...its on now!!

egan said...

Well at least I know what the weather is like and have a handy clock on your blog. Can you hear me now?

Wenchy said...

Thanks for starting that collection fund for my panties. Much appreciated. LOL

egan said...

four point zero

egan said...

Wenchy gets an LOL and I don't? This sucks.

Big Pissy said...

You sound like me trying to figure this stuff out! Only you're so much better 'cuz I give up and call City Penguin to do it for me!!! Like I've said before~isn't that why we have children?

Na na na na...looks like Egan's in trouble!!! LOL! :)

SignGurl said...

So, the weather bitch is giving us the weather using the metric system and I don't think you live in Canada! he he he.

Please don't slap me....*slinking away* 'cause you are withing spanking distance from me.

barman said...

Hey little girl I have chocolate over here ... besides it would be doing me a favor to get it out of the house.

Moderation is what it is all about. even things that are not to good for you are OK in moderation.

Hey SignGirl, you have to reach over me to spank Wendy. I am not sure what I think of that. Maybe we can do it together!