Thursday, January 05, 2006

too much of a good thing

Soooo, everybody has heard of lock jaw right?

Well...I have what is commonly referred to as "cock jaw"... Now, I am sure that you all know what I am talking about here, but I feel the need to explain. Its a good thing that I can type this and I don't have to tell anybody verbally, cause I don't think I will ever be able to comfortably close my mouth again!

Let me set the scene for ya...My love bud and I are stroking and petting in all the right places...there is moaning and groaning...kissing and get the picture...I am kissing his neck, then his chest...suddenly, I feel that slight pressure on the top of my head (can you feel me girls?? We have all been there right?) I resist a little, and of course love bud just pushes, me being a good love goddess, I slowly make my way down south. So, I proceed to the sucking and licking and stroking that is sure to bring love bud to the promise land right? RIGHT? WRONG!!! Now, I am no slouch in the old blow job department, so when he didn't bust after about 10-15 minutes, I just took it as a challenge...I tighted up the lip and cheek muscles and go to town.

Fast forward 45 I am pissed! I no longer have feeling left in the bottom half of my face...but this fucker is gonna cum or I am gonna die trying...its just a matter of pride ya know?
It literally got to the point where I was alternating between hand and mouth...switching back and forth frantically...suck, pull, lick,stroke on and on ...the saliva in my mouth has dried up long ago, and I have now dumped flavored "love oil" all over his member. No god dammit, it does not taste like strawberries...lying bastards!!

By this point I am almost delirious...I am savagely sucking and yanking on his poor cock...when, what do you know...WHAM BAM... the crowd goes wild! Folks we have lift off!! I have never been so happy to have a man shoot his load before in my life...I literally got up and danced around the room.

Ok, I don't know if it was just the exhilaration of finally getting him off or what, but I didn't think my mouth was that numb or sore til.........................WHAT THE FUCK??? I wake up today, and I cannot jaw hurts so bad that I just about cried trying to brush my teeth! I was sitting on the couch earlier, rubbing my cheeks, and my love bud looks over at me with this little smirk and pride glowing from his eyes as if to say..."Thats all me baby, thats alllll me!"

I know is it ya fucker...and believe me, it will be quite a while till allllllll of you comes anywhere near alllllll of me...or at least till I get horny again! Which, if I am perfectly honest, won't really be that long at all! LOL

Have yourselves a great night folks...I am gonna go put some more ice on my face...

see ya


Polyman2 said...

Let me tell you-
Your a real trooper!
I hope he reciprocated,
you sound like a
HARD working gal
that deserves a
real good licking!

SignGurl said...

LMAO at cock jaw! I've never thought about it being called that. You had better copyright that or trademark it or something!

Anonymous said...

LMAO you are a trooper. I'm sure he appreciated it, hell the evidence was there to see haha.

egan said...

Will there ever be a post about butterflies on this blog? That's what I really want to hear about. Cockjaw does nothing for me.

Anonymous said...

well egan it shure as hell did something for me my jaw hurts like hell.....think about it ......

Big Pissy said...

At the very LEAST some time off! I'm thinking more along the lines of a new car or something.
Damn! That's some commitment! LOL

egan said...

I love you Anonymous, but I am sort of slow. Care to explain your comment?

SuperSpyGal said...

At least you got to finish the deed....imagine how embarrassing it would have been had your jaw actually locked in the middle..the ride to the hospital would have been one never to forget !!

barman said...

I received a strange phone call one night. It turned out it was my friend in need of a ride to the hospital. I am afraid he was suffering cooter jaw. His jaw was locked wide open. It was certainly an interesting evening.

A+ for effort and I agree, I think love bud owes you big time.

Tim said...

sorry wmy, I got a good laugh at your expense on this one. I for one hope he enjoyed your dance afterward too. *trying to picture you dancing nekkid, since I don't know what you look like...*

wmy said...

Kid- Yep, that stuff is NASTY! Welcome to my blog dahhhliiinnnggg!

Thizzle- See what being stubborn gets me?? Next time I am gonna just straddle him and do my thing. LOL

Polyman- Yes, I agree...I am waiting for my licking...hahaha

Sign-Jenn- You watch, next week on Larry King Live he will be saying cock-jaw all the time, and I will get NOTHING for it! LOL

gareth- yes he did...the evidence was hard to miss ya know??

Egan- What fun would that be?

Anon- Way to set Egan straight!! He needs a little slappin from time to time! LOL

Big Pissy- ooohhhhh, new car...that sounds like a good payment for services rendered huh? hahahha

spygal-OMG, I would have died first!hee hee haa haa hoo hoo

Barman- cooter-jaw...nice one!

Shadow- why thank you kind blogger!

Green- I look like the most gorgeous model/professionally trained dancer you could ever imagine of course...In my dream world maybe!! LOL

Blogger said...

the thought of putting that flavored stuff anywhere near my face makes me wanna ralph. high props to you.

Michele in Michigan said...

OMFG--wiping away tears here LOLOL

Been there, done that, took some Motrin LOLOL

(Is this where I am supposed to insert the SPAM link for Viagra? hehehe)

Is there anyway for you to delay YOUR orgasm next time? Turnabout is fair play & not only will his JAW ache, but his NECK, too, if you play it right hehehe.

SignGurl said...

How's the jaw today? Better I hope.

I think I'll go try to work my magic on Mr. Sign and see if he can get cooter jaw.

TMI? Sorry!

Father of 3 said...

Will you marry me?

barman said...

I knew that was you I saw the other day at work doing the happy dance at quiting, I just knew it. Now your description for Green clinches it.

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