Thursday, January 19, 2006

weekend follies

Have I mentioned lately that I love you all??? NO??? Well, I do!!LOL

Thats usually what my love bud says to me when he knows he has fucked up, or he wants something...well, not the you all part, but you get my drift right? "have I told you today how much I love you babe?" (He always calls me babe, never Wendy...unless he is mad at me.)
That statement is always the huge, loud, obnoxious bell ringing in my head that lets me know that some line of bullshit is about to hit me!

I will then either say Yes, if we are getting along, or "Hell no, you lousy bastard!" hahaha
Arms are now being wrapped around me, and lips are now being planted firmly on mine...kiss, kiss, kiss, snuggle, snuggle, snuggle, rub, get the point. And right as I start to really get hot, and into the moment, he drops the bomb..."Do you mind if so and so, and I go skiing for the weekend?" Not for the day....NO, for the WEEKEND!!! What????? If you have an entire free weekend fucker, you had better be taking me somewhere, not one of your bummy friends!

Now, normally, I don't mind if he goes skiing...he usually goes every couple of weeks anyway...but since we haven't gone out anywhere lately, his request kind of fucked me up a little ya know? I realize that he does not need my permission to go, we just always ask each other about stuff like that. I still haven't decided how I am gonna play this one out...I will either say "What the hell, go ahead honey, you have been working a lot lately" or "Why don't you and I get my parents to watch the kids for the weekend and have a whole romantic weekend for our selves?" Either way, I will end up with what I want, cause if I say the first one, he will be so grateful to me for being able to get away from the house and me and the kids, that he will reward me somehow (even if the reward comes somewhere down the road)...or at least he better...the man knows he doesn't want to lose the blow job action...and if I say the second one, I will have a fabulous sex filled weekend right away! hahahahah I am aways thinkin, yep, I am!

This might sound a little sneaky and conniving to some of you, but if you have been in a relationship for quite a while like I have, then you know that sometimes being sneaky is how the job gets done! LOL And I know that its good for him to get out with his buddies and away from the house once and awhile...but he knows that some very good cock sucking is coming his way if he keeps mama happy!

So, I guess I will tell him to go ahead and play with his friends for the weekend... and we can play together a little later! My kind of play is a lot funner anyway! We will both end up happy in the end...a little suckin, a little lickin, a little bitin, ahhhh good times! Ohhhh, let me clarify, the suckin and the lickin will be happening with me, not his buddies...ya bunch of perverts! LOL

see ya


SignGurl said...

Thanks for clarifying the licking and sucking part. I was a little perverted er, confused!

I think I need you to school me in the ways of Wendy. You seem to have a great way of thinking of things.

SuperSpyGal said...

Ahhhhhh rule #1 for any great relationship....

Let him THINK he's getting what he wants...throw in the mention of sex and their like putty in our hands...but lets keep this quiet, if they get wise to this, then.....ahhh who am I kidding, they will never get wise to this !!

barman said...

Did you say something Spygal??? Guess not or at least I didn't hear it.

It seems to me that if you let hubby go and play you win in two ways. First there will (or at least better be) something in it for you as you said. Second, should you wish to do something simular the precidence is set and I would think he would have a hard time saying no.

You win both ways but I think letting him go is just that much more for you in the end.

I have seen enough people that have been married for a long time that I see what happens. It seems to be like a giant bank. You be good and do the right thing, pass up some things you want and it will be able to be drawn on latter unless you screw up ... then the bank starts over. Just a casual observation.

SuperSpyGal said...

**whistling**...Nope Barman...I didn't say a word...nothing at la la la la lalaaaa

Psssssst WMY, see what I mean??..they will NEVER get wise to this.....


Anonymous said...

Umm did miss something here?! I thought you said something about sucking on a ski. Hold up I need to read it again .... da da da dum dum da de de do do .... ok I'm back. No I appologise, I was wrong, I misread it. You actually said that the fucker was ringing his head.

Tim said...

Ummm....hate to break this to ya ladies - but we're on to you bigtime. We just play clueless sometimes because it pisses you all off (and we like that on occasion), though SOMETIMES you ladies leave us no choice but to be clueless. How can WE know what YOU want if YOU don't know what YOU WANT???

See, we know what you want us to think, and we do, occasionally think it, because it benefits us in the long run (read on).

We also understand the delicate balance of things. (or at least we should...) If you're happy then there's less bulls--- that we have to put up with from you. Which means if you're happy then we're more likely to "get some" more often.

And that is good for both parties.

What a bummer it is being a slave to the male sex drive...

SignGurl said...

Is that testosterone I'm smelling in this room. Ewww....It is!.....I'm outta here!

Mr. Shife said...

Are you girls talking about us again? Good thing we are too stupid to realize what is going on.
WMY, you are very gracious lady and your love bud should feel very fortunate to have you.

yournamehere said...

Wendy, you are way too reserved. You need to come out of your shell.