Sunday, February 12, 2006

Back from the great beyond...kinda

Hi kids!!
I am soooooooo sorry that I have been gone for a while!!
I really have missed all of you.....really!!!LOL

Love bud's mom has got bone cancer, and I have been up staying with her...and, of course, she doesn't have computer access. She really is a lovely woman, and I adore her, but as you know, if you have ever cared for someone who is need a break once in a while dammit!!!
That might sound kinda heartless...and for that I am sorry, but...FUCK!!!! It can be frustrating to be stuck somewhere with NO CABLE, AND NO INTERNET!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

But, me being the good goddamn daughter-in-law, I am headed back up to her house tommorrow...and you will all be relieved to know that I am going out tonight and buying a laptop!!!YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! The bitch is back.....almost!! LOL
Well, I am gonna go run around and comment on all of your blogs right now...cause I gotta have my fix ya know!!

see ya


barman said...

Sorry to hear about the Mother in Law. Good of you to be caring for her. Glad to hear you will have some access this time around. To bad I did not have more notice. I could have set you up with a satalite receiver. As long as you can see south, who needs cable?

I hope you are able to get away some. I would love to see you pop in from time to time.

Great to see you again Wendy.

Tim said...

What a good daughter in law, taking care of your mother in law like that.

Anyway, as one of the leaders of the rebellion, I surrender your blog back to you. Unless of course you up and disappear again....

wmy said...

barman- next time...I promise...I will be poppin, thats for sure! LOL

green- I agree to your terms General!!

egan said...

Don't worry, I didn't miss you at all.

wmy said...

Egan- You are a shameful liar!!!
You know your life has been an empty pit since I have been gone!
It's okay, you don't have to admit it if you don't want to!!

Phats said...

I am very sorry to hear this news :(

Hang in there WMY!

yournamehere said...

Wendy, it is very caring and unselfish of you to take care of your mother-in-law; but at least you were rewarded for your good deed by egan's sarcasm.

Tina said...

No cable or internet....does she live under a rock. That would be like prison life for me....

egan said...

That comment rules Todd. I really am I nice guy, I promise. For some reason I enjoy flipping Wendy shit even when it's not so appropriate.

Todd, I had a dream I met you and a bunch of other people at a party you hosted. Tell me you don't wear yellow lipstick.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to read about your M-O-I. I know what it's like to look after a terminally ill person, geesh don't remind me.
It's lovely to have you back.
Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Ok that should have been "M-I-L" oops. Don't punish me too much :)

SignGurl said...

Thank God you are alive!!! I was pretty tired of playing with myself, ha ha, I mean Euchre by myself.

Tumbleweed said...

Baby, I have been there and it is not heartless at all to need a break! It is an emtionally exhausting job. Glad you're back! I send my love.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Wendy. Hope you are having a really nice day gorgeous :)

egan said...

Has this blog gone tits up again?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yes Egan I think it may have done. We'll have to find her and strap her to the seat. She might enjoy that :P

Steph said...

welcome back...for a bit friend!!!

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