Wednesday, February 15, 2006

crack whore and big black guy

Hi O High Ho's!!!!

So, I haven't gone back up to stay with love bud's mom cause unfortunately, she was admitted into the hospital 2 days ago, so we have been going up there to be with her instead. She is doing relatively well, and hopefully she will be let out soon!!!

Now, on to the other shit in my fucked up life...I know, I know, I am such a lady huh Egan? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while, you know about crack whore (my crack infested sister) well, she showed up at my house last night at about 1 am screaming about someone being after her and trying to shoot her!! We let her in, she was absolutely hysterical , crying and screaming and moaning...the whole fucking gamut of emotions folks. I didn't want to even let her in, cause she has fucked me over before, and I just didn't want to go there again ya know? I wonder why right????? Anyway, I got her to stop screaming...I told her that if she didn't basically shut the hell up, and if she woke up my kids, I was gonna throw her out on her ass!! She shut up real quick then...of course, I was to soon find out that the whole fucking thing was yet another one of her lies!! So, she is telling me this fantastic story about how she is working with the vice squad in Grand Rapids, and they took down the biggest drug dealer around last night...the bust went bad, the drug dealer, I believe she called him Monk, got away, and now he was after her, and was gonna shoot her!!!
Now, in a normal family, this would be horrifying and I would be freaking out and scared for my sister's life...right?? Right, in a normal family...Needless to say, we don't have a normal family!!!
I told crackwhore that I was gonna call the cops to verify what she was saying...wrong thing to say!! Now the story changes, there was no deal, and could she just get 50 dollars cause she was gonna go check herself into rehab right then, cause she realized that she had a problem and blah blah blah.... About that time, there is another knock on my door, I go to the door, and there is a HUGE black man standing there asking for crack whore...and did she get the money yet!!!!! Can you fucking believe these losers???
So, I of course did not let him in, and I went right to the phone and called the police...skip to me talking to 911, and crack whore running out my door...she and big black guy took off into the night...911 told me that she has yet another warrant for her arrest, so I am not shocked that she ran off when I called the police!!! Cowardly cunt bitch from hell!! I swear, I am gonna write a book about the crazy fuckers in my family...I would probably have to say it was fiction cause no one would believe that this shit actually goes down ALL THE FUCKING TIME in my family!!
So, now we have a giant chain lock on out front and back doors, just in case crack whore gets any ideas about coming back...even though the cops will be called if I see her STEP ONE FOOT in my yard, I wouldn't put anything past her...crack has completely eaten up her entire brain!!
She isn't even my sister anymore...she is just a stranger now.
So, that is how my Valentine's night bout the rest of ya???

see ya


Tina said...

First the dick and then your sister. Bless your heart you did have a bad Valentines. Mine woke me up at 10:00 pm with a sweetheart shake from Sonic. It was gross and I think he thought it was Christmas instead of Valentines day cause I got a sound machine that plays the beach, just like heaven dvd, goobs of candy, and the postsecrets book that I have been wanting... all I got him was some sleep pants and a playstation2 game.....oh well.
Your sister sounds like a trip!

Tim said...

You did the right thing, calling the police on her, considering all of the stuff she's done to you and put you through over the years.

It's sad that this person who was once your sister has totally changed due to drugs so that you don't know her anymore.

Take care, ok??

barman said...

I hope you follow through on the 911 call in the future if she should ever show up. Unless she cleans up her act which I somehow doubt, she is not someone you need to assotiate with. Hey technically that was after midnight so that should not be counting that as Valentines Day.

{{{hugs}}} Makes some of the customers seem kind of normal doesn't it.

Phats said...

Sounds like never a dull moment in your family! haha

Anonymous said...

You just need to find a new family lol.

egan said...

Okay, no smart ass remark out of me this time around. I will save it for another tender moment.

That's a tough story, but as others have said, you did the right thing. That bullshit of hers isn't appropriate.

Hey, Oprah would love to have you on her show, endorse your book, and then shame you in front of her audience. Just something to think about.

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