Sunday, February 19, 2006

Stupid bitches

Stupid bitches of the world...COME ON DOWN!!!!!!!!!

Now, I really don't like to bash my own gender, but sometimes, it really is necessary!! Can it be that women (some women anyway) really are that dumb?? Let me explain myself...
"H" is a woman that I work with. She has been seeing this man for 2 years now, and this guy treats her like shit, and dumps on her every single damn day! Last night at work, she was really upset...crying and moaning about how this dickwad had just called her on her cell, and he had said how he didn't want to see her this weekend because she annoys him so much!! Her response to him??? "I am so sorry that I annoy you, I will try to do better." EXCUSE ME??? Get a god damn back bone girl!!
This man insults her on a regular basis, and she puts up with it cause he has got her convinced that noone else would ever want her..."H" is slightly overweight, 10-15 pounds maybe...her loser boyfriend calls her "fatass pig" and "lard ass" and says how she is lucky to have him, cause noone else would want such a fat girlfriend. He also has her convinced that when he calls her names, he is just trying to "help motivate her to lose weight." What a fuckhead right?
What really kills me, is that this "man" is a senior in college, and he tells her that she isn't "allowed" to come up and visit him unannounced, cause he is trying to enjoy the college life...obviously her coming to see him on the spur of the moment would wreck his experience right??? hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an idiot!! And what an idiot she is for putting up with it !!
"H" is not a stupid woman...she is going to college right now to be a just burns my ass when women let men treat them so shitty!! I tried to tell her this last night, but its like this guy has got her brainwashed or something!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!!! She keeps worrying that he is gonna leave her, but why in the world would he ever leave her??? He probably knows that no self-respecting woman would let him get away with the fucked up things that he does to "H".
I know there are so many relationships out there like this...maybe someday the stupid bitches will wake up and realize that they actually DESERVE to be treated like human beings!! I won't hold my breath though...

see ya


yournamehere said...

And I don't have a girlfriend. Maybe I'm not treating people like shit as much as I should be.

SignGurl said...

I don't have a girlfriend either. Ha ha!

I'm always amazed when people allow someone to be condesending. But, I've never been in that kind of relationship, so I couldn't say what I would do.

He's obviously stringing her along so he has someone to fall back on when he needs a fuck buddy. He belittles her so she will think no one else wants her.

Tim said...

I've never been in that kind of relationship either.

But you are right on both counts: H should not let the guy treat her like crap and she should have a backbone and not put up with his attitude.

I almost feel bad for her.


Tina said...

When she gets sick and tired of him treating her like shit, she will do something about sucks that women let men get away with a whole lot of bullshit activity and they stay with them cause they feel that they cannot find anyone else......just try to be her friend.

Phats said...

I think women are smart and incredible. Okeh I am just scared you'll track me down and hurt me if I say otherwise

Anonymous said...

Lol 15 pounds is nothing! The guy is just a wimp. I'll bet he's one of those guys that gains 'power' over women but can never stand up to another man. Tell me I'm right. Yup thought so.



egan said...

Waiter, I'll have what she's having.

Tina said...

Sorry, I changed my path its.

Phats said...

I love the price is right, what a great show, I would want to play plinko

Tim said...

looks like wmy went AWOL again. Time to rekindle the mutiny.
Who's with me?????

Phats said...

I have a headache, maybe next time

egan said...

"Check please!"

Mike said...

I could go so many places with this, but - Nice post!

SignGurl said...

Come out!

Phats said...

Hope everything is Alright

Tim said...

umm hello? wmy? you still in there?


Anonymous said...

Have you ran away???