Friday, June 16, 2006

Adventures in Michigan

Man, 2 posts in one week...what the hell in going on??? lol bud and I decided to do what sounded like a perfectly reasonable thing at the time...but turned out to be more painful than a brazilian bikini wax! And what is that Wendy, you all ask??? Well, let me tell ya!
We thought it would be oh so fun to take the kids to Michigan's Adventure today...its like Michigan's answer to Cedar Point, only not quite as big. So, it was me, lovebud, our 3 kids, and we just had to accentuate the torture by bring crackwhore's kids too! Yep, for those of you who are not mathemeticians, that is 2 adults, and 6 HEATHENS FROM HELL!!! I am telling you, by the end of the day, I was looking up the white slave trade on the internet and I was all for selling each and every one of those little bastards into lifetime servitude!!! I told lovebud that the next time I get such a stupid fucking idea, he is to immediately bitch slap me as hard as he can!! I cost over 2 hundred bucks just to get through the gates, not to mention all 0f the money they suck out of you once you get into the park. We were smart enough to bring our own lunch, but you have parking and lockers, and tube grubbing pricks! Well, that was my one family adventure for the summer...until the little beggars talk me into the next one that is. Man, I am such a sucker huh?

So, I am sitting here on my computer chair with a huge pillow under my huge, red, ultra sun-burned ass just trying to find a comfortable spot....wrong aint happening!! There are no comfortable spots when you are one big blister! Sounds sexy huh? lol Why, oh why did I not slather the sunblock on myself...I mean, I had it out cause I was dumping pounds of the shit all over the kids...but, put some on myself??? Oh, hell no...I would rather just fry all fucking day! Damn, I am such a dumb shit sometimes!!!
Well, lovelies, I am off to stand naked and crying in a cold shower, trying like hell to cool my lobster ass off! lol
see ya


Anonymous said...

Ok you had me at the last sentence lol.
Michigan's Adventure - that's an amusement park, right?

barman said...

I saw something I was going to comment on but I will be nice. Good for you on taking them and surviving. My friend wants to go to Cedar Pointe but I really am not up to it.

Anyway go out and invest in a huge vat of aloe. I got me one of those a month or two ago for when I pull the same stupid thing. I go golfing tomorrow morning and I am sure I will leave the sub block of and just die. (Remember to pack the aloe) I hope you survived that shower... burrr