Monday, June 26, 2006

confused in Michigan...again

I just don't get it.....not at

Would someone please, please, please tell me why in the
hell this chick is still famous...or better yet, why was she
ever famous to begin with?
I know, her family name and all, but, come on dammit!
Enough is enough!! You can't open a damn paper or
magazine with out seeing her blank eyed stare gazing
out at you!!
I am usually the first one to say "Go for it, work with what ya got!" But this straight up ho-bag just needs a quick smack
down!! Has anyone out there heard her song yet???
I haven't heard it yet, actually I just can't imagine subjecting my ears to such torture....
Ok, enough about the walking cock-cancer (my new favorite expression).
I hope all of you lovlies had a super weekend. Lovebud and I had fabulous make-up sex, and all is right with the world....for now! lol
see ya


barman said...

First off I avoid her to begin with. I have a problem with people that are air heads and worse. To me that seems to be what she is.

I just went and looked at her video and it was OK but certainly nothing special. I think Warner Brothers is streching calling her the latest Pop Star.

I think I will continue to keep my distance. There is nothing there for me.

WooHoo on how your weekend turned out.

Everything Nice said...

WHAT?!?!? Pop star? Are you kidding me?

oh dear.... what's next? Pygmy Goat herder of the millenia?!?!

*snaps gum* That's hawt.

egan said...
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Anonymous said...

Wellllll she isn't the worst. Richie gets that title ;)

Crabby said...

I'm so gonna hear it over this. And I am tempted not to ask because I KNOW the ribbing will be "that bad". But, who is she?

Crabby hides all but her largish ass under the table.

SignGurl said...

I heard the song for a total of 20 seconds. That's how long it took me to find another station. It was god aweful!

Crabby said...

Ok, fine. Don't anybody tell me who she is. Is she on tv? ahhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha.

No that's ok. Really. Pretend I'm invisible.

What are her initials?

egan said...

What Gareth said.

wmy said...

barman- great advice....listen to this man folks, he knows his stuff!

crabby-you are too funny for words!!

Phats said...

Well I would much rather hear about Paris then Lindsey Lohan uhh no thanks!

I love nicole she is the funny one of the two, even if she is anorexic

egan said...

I see the ALL CAPS stuff is still a hit on this blog. Hurray. Wendy, this blog is the shit... when updated. Ha!

Anonymous said...

GrabCake, it's Paris Hilton, you can Google her :)

Crabby said...

Gareth, thank you! You're a good man.