Saturday, June 17, 2006


hi doobies!!
Let me tell ya about my stank ass night at work! I know you all love hearing me whine about my shitfest of a job! lol In answer to crabcake's comment yesterday, I am a waitress right now, but I do occasional bartending...I have bartended for the past 13 or so years with waitressing thrown in every now and again just for fun...or turture!!
Have you ever seen a person, and you are just not sure whether that person is a man or a woman? Well, we had one of those freaks of nature walk into the restaurant tonight...heavy, major accent on the freak part!! lol Let me set the scene for ya folks...

okay, this person comes in with 2 other people who were definately question. The freak in question had ass-length hair, which means absolutely fucking nothing right? He-she was wearing a huge tent-like dress thing and knee-length shorts...both in a blinding flourescent orange color...wait, it gets much better!! He, or she..fuck whatever it was, had on these huge boat-like flipflops that made a flipflop/sucking sound with every damn step it took!! Maybe it had gum on the bottom of those flip flops...or maybe our damn floors were just sticky, who knows really. lol Oh wait, did I mention that this disgrace to humanity weighed about 500lbs pounds soaking wet? hahahahahahhhihihihihheheeheheheh!! Hey, the soaking wet thing was funny to me okay? Okay, the thing also had what appeared to be eye liner could have also been dirt, cause from the stench rising off from this bohemeth, I am guessing that bathing is not one of its priorities in life!

So, we have eyeliner/dirt, long hair, dress and knee-length shorts...all of this points to female...sorta...Then it opened its mouth and, I have never heard the devil speak, but if I had...the deep, gravely, nasty voice literally sent chills from my head all the way to my was horrifying folks!! I wanted to scream "run for the hills people, the apocalype has started!!!"
And, if you haven't already guessed it...he-she was a lousy fucking tipper to boot!! DAMMIT!!! The things I have to put up
Have a great night everyone!
see ya


Anonymous said...

So what was it? You can't leave us hanging like that lol :p

Happy Sunday.

barman said...

You know one thing you and a few others have accomplished blogging here? I always tipped in the past as lond as the person at least made some attempt at service but now the amount I tip has went up. Not tons but it is a start.

I noticed something that may or may not be true. Probabley the worst tippers are the people that require the most attention, kick up the worst fuss, etc. You would think it would be the other way around. The more attention paid to a group the better the tip would be. Hope today goes better.

wmy said...

denny--next time honey, next time lol
gareth- i still dont know!!
barman- you are absolutely right, the ones who run you ragged are the cheapest bastards ever! Oh well, you take the bad with the good right? lol

Tim said...

yeah, what they said...