Wednesday, June 14, 2006

hey there hi there hoooooooo there!!

I confess!!! I have been lurking for a while know, reading your posts...and being too lazy to write my own. I suck the big one....I know, I know. So, hopefully all of you wonderful people are still wonderful. I hope none of you have gone and become serial killers or whale rapers in my absence! LOL What the hell is a whale raper you ask? I don't just sounded funny to me so I figured I would type it! Oh, just go ahead and bite me if you dont like it!
I am not in that great of a mood as you can see. What should I tell you about...lets see...I have 4 siblings and 2 of them are in jail cause they are DUMB FUCKS!!! My younger brother had to show up for court for a traffic ticket...his scrotum sucking ass decided the best way to prepare for court was to get stump drunk the night before...well big mama judge took one wiff of him, and threw him right in the clink! Oh, and my crackwhore sister is still in jail for uttering and publishing. For those of you who don't have criminals in your family, or are not criminally inclined yourself, uttering and publishing is basically passing bad checks. Yep yep yep...she thought it would just be the best idea in the world to go around her friends trailer park and steal social security checks out of people's mailboxes. Her "friend" worked in the office at the trailer park, so she had keys to everyone's mailbox..."Hey, how bout we just forget about getting us a job...we can steal from these poor slobs instead" YES...GREAT IDEA BITCHES!!!

Oh wait...I almost forgot to tell you about the other brother who is in rehab!!! Yep, he is in rehab (court ordered of course) trying to keep his dumb fucking ass out of jail! So, lets see, that leaves just my younger sister...and she is a NUN! Yeah right, she smokes so much pot, I wouldn't be surprised to see pot leaves come sprouting out of her twat some day soon! And I, of course, am perfect!! Well, I do still have a job, and none of my kids have been taken away by the state, so I guess I am doing ok for now! LOL
See ya'


Anonymous said...

Wooooooooohooooooo you are back!!
Niiiiiice! :)

wmy said...

gareth- why thank you honey! I will try to be more consistant in the future! lol

Anonymous said...

That's cool.
Well done to your son on his trombone certificate. Good job big guy!
I'm going to relink you now.

Phats said...

WOW! Glad you're back you were missed. A lurker huh? haha! awesome I love stalkers.

I have not become a serial killer, but I make no promises about being what I do with whales

barman said...

I was a serial killer but only for a month or so. No worries, OK?

You know i never fails, every family needs a black sheep. It would appear that you are the black sheep of your fmaily. You know...

One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn't belong, Can you tell which thing is not like the others By the time I finish my song?

Welcome back. I have visited and kept wondering where you went to. I half though of jumping in the care and heading west. I missed you.

barman said...

Golly gee, how many typos can I do in one little comment? arg!

SignGurl said...

You're back biotch!!!! You know we all missed you!

I'm still mad that we didn't get to meet at the Michigan Blogger meeting. You missed a good one.

If you consider my husband and I as whales, that would make him and me whale rapers, heh!

wmy said...

gareth- thanks so much darlin
phats-I missed you guys too..about the whale thing...I had a sneaky suspicion about you! lol
barman- I always say that we can see the real person through their
signgurl-Dammit...what mighigan blogger meeting??:???? and dammit again! heheheh

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