Tuesday, June 20, 2006

young hookers

Here is my question for the day...what the fuck is happening to the girls these days?????
Girls today don't look like girls...they look like grown women by the time they are 12!! What, is the government slipping something into the damn water or what?
I was at the mall with my 11 year old daughter, and she starts waving to a group of girls across the way...I ask who they are, and she says. "Oh, those girls are in my classes at school mom" WTF???????????????????? You have got to be kidding me.........
My daughter is in 6th grade, and these girls looked like they were ready to model for playboy!!
Not to be crude or anything, but some of these "little girls" had tits bigger than mine...and I had to wait until I was 17 for my lovely lady lumps to spring forth!! And, these "little ladies" were dressed like hookers by god! I wanted to grab every single one of them and cover them up! We are talking 6th graders here folks, dressed like they are working the street corner!
It is hard enough to keep our young girls innocent these days, without the clothing industy making hoochy clothing available in their size. There is no way in hell I would let my daughter out the door in those kinds of clothes!! I know, I know, soon enough she will probably be sneaking out her window, or hiding those kinds of clothes in her book bag and changing at school.....but I for damn sure wont be buying them for her any time soon!
Ok, here endeth the rant.............
see ya


Mone said...

I heare you. My daugther is ten, six feet tall. I noticed a while ago she has pubic hair growing already. Her breast are growing already too and the way they look they gonna be a big hammer and not so small apples as mine.
What to do? Cant stop the growing!

wmy said...

Mone- same thing is going on over at my house...they just grow faster than they used to...they better knock it off dammit!! lol

Tim said...

mone: your daughter is 6 feet tall at age 10??? What's in the water where you live??? Are both you and your husband really tall???

Anonymous said...

And the next day she was probably in the mall with those same friends dressed exactly like them and looking at one of their other friends with her mum and thinking exactly the same thing LOLOL ;)

wmy said...

alright gareth...you definately have a spankin comin!!

MilkMaid said...

YES...when I pick my Little Kid (he's 14, 15 in two months) I just can't believe some of the girls. Colored streaked hair, nails, boobs to here...I always try to look at the Mother's driving the cars to see what the hell they look like LOL! They look just like their daughters!!

I'm thankful for my two boys, even tho they tower WAY over me. ;)

Manny said...

My mother would have knocked my into next week if i had tried to leave the house looking like some of the youngsters theses days.

Manny said...

OK grammer and spell check needed. LOL

Anonymous said...

I hope you haven't gone into hiding again lol.

Mone said...

my ex is like six feet 5,
but I'm a head smaller:)I think 5,7
and my angel is born in the States of America :)
I'm trying to guide her with her dress code and she is pretty understanding about it. She (still) knows the dangers of dressing to sexy and stuff, we spoke about it openly.

Mone said...
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Crabby said...

OOOOOOO. Don't get me started on this one. Why, oh why, can't kids just be kids for awhile? You grow up plenty soon enough and then you're stuck for the rest of your life as a "grown up".

And what is up with the rips in the butt cheeks of jeans? Every time we go to Easton I have to pull Bob's jaw up offa the floor.

Katie Schwartz said...

it's true! my sister is a middle school teacher and she sees these mini-adults all the time. it's quite sad really.

unfortunately too, most of the girls I see want to "act older" and get themselves into sexual situations they can't handle.

it's super sad, missy.

ps: love the name of your blog.. hahahaha.

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