Monday, February 19, 2007

school and crackwhores and more!!

Hello everyone!! I was all set to sign on and make all sorts of apologies, and promises that I would be blogging like a mother fucker from now on...but...not doing it! lol
I may or may not be blogging every day...I still go to your blogs and read them and comment, but truth be told, my lazy ass is, well.....lazy ok?!?!? lol
So, what has been happening with me, you want to know?
Lets see...I am now in school...yeah me!! hahah...I am trying to get an associates degree in Information Technology...fancy word for computer far, school is going fine, although it is a big shock to realize that you do not remember as much as you thought you did...I graduated high school back in 92, so this is a big deal for me...the studying, and research papers,and all...goooooooooo schoooooollllll! hahahahhah

Oh yeah, in crackwhore town, my crackwhore sister is now in jail AGAIN !! I swear, it is hard to keep track of all of her illegal activities...suffice it to say, she whored it up a little too much, and got caught asking a cop if he would like his big old cop cock sucked!! Yep, she is a brainiac all right!!
Her excuse, you ask??
"I didn't know he was a cop!!"
Now, at the time she solicited this guy, he was WEARING HIS UNIFORM!!! That's right folks, crackwhore was so cracked out she did not even realize he had a damn uniform on!
So, now, miss brilliant is sitting in county waiting for her trial.. I think they should tape her hearing, and present it at all the schools as a "say no to drugs" ad for the kids.
For those of you who have never had your love for a sibling killed and smashed into the ground by repeated lies, stealing, and every other sort of crap, like I have, it may be hard to understand how I feel about my sister. This is the same sister who stole my dad's truck while he was in the hospital HAVING A HEART ATTACK! She is beyond redemption in my book...

My kids are all doing great...youngest is in 1st grade. and is a soccer girl is a cheerleading goddess, and my older boy is a musician/football player/wrestling wizard!!
I am proud of all of them...although they are like a trio of little clocks that just keep on yelling out..." hey, you are OOOOOLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDD ya know?!?!?!!??"

See you in the comments section...if not mine, then yours... Happy President's Day everyone!!


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