Monday, March 05, 2007

Whats wrong with this picture??


So, I was diddlin around on the net last night, and SOMEHOW started thinking about sex. Lo and behold, I ended up at the porn sites...and through some selective clicking..and tons of curiosity, ended up at some very unique sites, and saw this...

Not too shocking right?!? Well, about when you realize that this is a pic of an after shot of a male to female sex reassignment surgery patient??? Well, holy shittttttt...the things they can do now a days...I am simply amazed...and a little weirded out I have to tell ya. I am all for freedom of choice, but the thought of someone lopping off their nether regions gives me a chill in my gina okaaaaaayyyyy? hahahahahh

So, we see that they can do amazing work turning a man into a woman right? Well, once again, women are getting the short end of the stick...quite literally, with this...

Yep, you guessed it!!! This is a female to male sex reassignment surgery patient's after pic...WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS PIC???

I mean, to each his or her own, but come on...what is she...I mean he...gonna do with that itty bitty thing?? I can barely even stand it folks!

A man can get a beautiful looking vagina, and a woman ends up with a vienna sausage?!?!? Where's the justice? lol

I just don't get it...and, I don't like it!!

Come on you doctors...lets even up the score k? Those FTM trannies want big old boners alright...not pathetic little pencil dicks! lol



SignGurl said...

Ok, so now I need to clean my 'puter screen 'cause those pics are so small and my nose hit it trying to look closer. Help a girl out and post 'em large and in charge!

I'm with you, to each his/her own but I'd demand my money back if someone gave me a cocktail weinie!

barman said...

Hey it is not that bad. I mean first of all we got all those penis pumps and Viagra and even surgeries. That and guys are always telling you they got 12 inches when I am sure you ladies know better. Give him a year or two and he will be in fine shape. It does not seem fair though does it. With the exception of the size I must say I am impressed. They both look a lot more realistic than I ever thought they would.

Jenn, I cheat and paste it into Elements and blow the picture up. Hey if I keep making it larger maybe that last picture will be the right size.

G-Man said...


Wendy? May I call you wendy? Why are bitchin? Do you wanna Boink a Sex Changer?
Don't get all caught up in that circus blog of mine. I want you to come back and visit please?
I really think your funny, and I love funny!

Phats said...

umm that's not the kind of graphic picture i was hoping for or expecting haha

wmy said...

Signgurl- sorry hon, I have not figured out how to put pics in the right way. I save them to my pictures, and upload them...if I stretch them out, they look all wonky!! You said weinie...hahahahah

Barman- I do have to agree with you on that...beside the gerkin size, the look is pretty dead on.

g-man- I have my ways. I haven't heard boinkin is so
You may call me Wendy...I grant you the privelege(sp?)
I will definately be back to your it too early to order a pizza?? DAMMIT, why the hell am I up at this hour? Thats right...damn kids and their damn school! lol

Phats- Sorry bout that...I am off to find some respectable porn pics right now! hahahahaaaaaaaaaa

SignGurl said...

Please post some new porn. I can't stand looking at the pegina (pronounced pee jeye na). I just made up that word but it works, I think.