Monday, October 24, 2005

getting started

Wow, I have my own blog...I feel sooo special!!
Anyway, I suppose I should start off my saying a little about myself huh?
Here goes........
I am a 31year old white chick from Michigan who would love to be living anywhere but here. Why don't I pull up stakes and move you ask? A couple of reasons actually. One is that my parents live here and they would absolutely die if i took the grandkids away from them. Another is that I am too much of a chicken sh*t to move to a strange place at this stage in my life, so the parent excuse seems to be working for me right now anyway...hah we'll see in a couple of years how I feel...and if they are still alive,,,just kidding(kinda)!!
I have 3 kids ( as you can see from the title of my blog) Geez you guys, I wouldn't actually sell my own kids...although...kidding kidding!! I am currently living in sin with my boyfriend of 8 years. We talk about marriage sometimes but the living in sin part is too fun right now to mess it up by slapping a certificate on it. And besides, I was married already and it sucked!! My 2 oldest kids are from that disaster!! Dont get me wrong, I am glad to have the kids...I just wish I could have gotten them without messing with their waste of space dad!! No no I'm not bitter at all!! My youngest kid's dad is the boyfriend I mentioned earlier, ya know the living in sin one.

I can remember as a young girl, my friends and I would always say bad things about the women who had kids by more than 1 man like..."Oh man, she is such a slut...she has kids by everyone in the neighborhood practically" And now I am the slut that we used to talk about!! Aint life grand? hahaah
Anywhoooo, I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and we are your typical disfunctional family. My oldest brother is in jail and my oldest sister is a crackwhore so there ya have it!! The younger brother and sister aren't that bad I guess...we just don't speak much.

So...more on the crackwhore...She is a real piece of work, my parent's are raising her kids (3) because she is too much of a loser to get her life together for them. I help out as much as I can with her kids just to give my mom and dad a break, but its hard on everyone concerned. She...I will just call her crackwhore for verification, has stolen everything that is not nailed down from everyone she has ever met. All of the police in town know her on sight. Yes we are all very proud of her!! Crackwhore has been in and out of jail so many times. I wish they would just keep her in there long enough and then maybe she could stay off the drugs...wishful thinking on my part I know.

I am going to a court hearing on one of her shop lifting cases soon so I will post again to let you all know how that went...The only reason I am even going is because she used my name when she was arrested on the charge...but, more on that later

Thats all for now