Friday, November 11, 2005

crackwhore is back

Sooooo bitches,
Remember that I said I had to go to court because of crackwhore? Well, I went and had to testify because crackwhore had shoplifted a few months ago and when the cops asked for ID she didnt have any of course and she said she was me!!! What a stanky bitch huh?

Anyway, at court I basically had to get up there and tell the judge and prosecutor who I was and I had to provide proof of my whereabouts on the date of the shoplifting,... lucky for me, I was at my slave waitressing job on that day so I am clear...Needless to say, crackwhore didnt show up to court, what a surprise huh? That bitch is probably blowing some drug dealer as I type this...who knows right? Now remember that crackwhore is also my sister right? I have absolutely no sisterly feelings for her anymore...she has totally killed all of the love that I used to have!

On to bigger and better things...My dickhead ex called and said he cant get the kids again this weekend...I wish I could just blow his ass to pieces...and no,
I dont mean that in a fun way~!!!
God, he is a bastard!!
Well, I have to go get my daily fix of reading and laughing at all of your blogs out there so see ya!
