Tuesday, December 13, 2005



That is the word of the day apparently!! We have a gay guy at work.( I have blogged about him before) named "R" and he follows up just about every sentence with "That is fuckin' DICKTASTIC!!! "R I think we are gonna be super busy tonight" "Yep, Wendy its dicktastic isn't it?" or "Hey R we are running low on 12 ounce sirloins." I say...and he says "Dammit...that is just so dicktastic!" He uses it for good things and bad things...I think he is a fuckin lunatic to tell you the truth! Actually, I think he is great and he keeps me laughing all night at my "fuck me in the ass with a chipped bottle" of a job!! Ouch, that doesn't bring up a pleasant mental image does it? hahahah

Anywhooooo, I think that my multiple orgasm switch is broken! Remember, not too long ago, I told you guys that I had experienced that wonderful, sweet, juicy, lovely multiple orgasm for the first time? Well, I can't seem to do it again for fucksake....And, I am trying believe me!!! Poor little love bud (Yes, he is back from dumb fuck to love bud) has been getting raped on a nightly basis and..............NOTHING!!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! What is wrong with me? Is someone in the land of fuckdom just teasing me or what? Well, knock it off ya cocksuckers...I need to get back to the multiples okay? I will get down and beg if I have to! I know that there are some women who claim that they have the M O's all the time...well, watch out bitches cause it could dry up just like that! And then you will be like me, down on your knees begging the gods of fuckdom to give them back! I know that those gods are up there right now, laughing at me while they have their godly members serviced by all the poor saps who came before me and sold their souls to get their multiples back! I am giving it another week and if I don't score me some multiples, then look out fuckdom gods, cause here I come with my soul on a platter!

OMG, all this talk of multiples is getting to me...I am spending so much time worrying about having another one that the world is just passing me by...things aren't getting done...dishes are piling up...laundry is falling out of the laundry room...kids aren't being bathed..."Sorry kids, no christmas presents this year, ,mommy was too busy trying to have a multiple orgasm!! LOL

On another topic...remember puke breath??? Her racist ass got fired today!! Hip hip hooray...hip hip hooray!!! Apparently, her cash out was a couple hundred short...not only is she a racist gutter slut, she is a damn dirty thief too!! Figures huh?

I am gonna try to wake love bud up...and if that doesn't work, there is always the trusty bullet with its five different textured sleeves right? Every girls friend till the end!! LOL Good night folks!

see ya


wmy said...

egan- The big dogs of course!!

SignGurl said...

Love bud must be exhausted.

I feel for ya. The mulitple O gods left me long ago. I've given up hope.

Look on the brighter side of things. At least you get one O 'cause some don't get any. I have a 45 year old friend who says she's never had one. How is this possible? Her hubby is a hottie!

egan said...

I have never touched myself.

Steph said...

haha, that is DICKTASTIC! I love love LOVE that I can get multiple orgasms. I think it's GOT to be one of my better talents. Haha Now we gotta work on getting your mojo back! ;-)

Phats said...

Do you think your friend would mind if I steal this word, No? Well DICKTASTIC!!!

I can't picture you a waitress, got any horror stories, like pissing in the food>

SignGurl said...

I thought about this all day. I like Dickalicious better. Hehehehe!

egan said...

D batteries are good. I hear Target is now selling vibrators.

wmy said...

Jenn-sometimes even the hotties can't get the damn job done!

Egan- LIAR!!! hahahah

Steph- I agree...after losing out on it for the last few times...it definately is a dicktastic talent to have ya know? LOL

Phats- What, don't I seem like the "customer is always right" kind of girl??? And no, no piss...but there was the time when the cook accidently dropped a few pubes into the salad of a wretched bitch from hell kind of customer!

Jenn- hey...I like that one too!!

yournamehere said...

I could give you multiple orgasms, but they would be spread out over several days.

wmy said...

YNH-I knew you would cum through for me! LOL

egan said...

You said cum. Hey, are you done peeing yet?