lazy fucker
What a fucker!!!
So, I get home tonight after working my ass licking shift at my fuck me up the ass job, and what do I walk in to??? Sugar...piles of it...all over the kitchen floor (we have dark blue ceramic tile, so it really shows up great) !! Now, of course I am wondering what the fuck sugar is doing all over my floor right? So I meander over to ask dumb fuck (formerly known as love bud) what the shit happened.
"Alright jackass, what the hell went on while I was at work?" I ask sweetly.
"The kids dumped sugar all over the floor" he says to me with a straight face!
"Well, why didn't you clean it up?" I ask, beginning to steam already at his utter lack of caring.
"Cause I wanted you to see what they did" Mr dumb as a stump answers.
OMG...He is soooo fucking lucky that I didn't stab him in the ass right there, on the spot! So, supposedly he didn't sweep the shit up cause he wanted me to see it on the floor....cause just telling me about it when I got home would have made no sense right????? I'm not buying it for a single damn second!! That lazy no good mother fucker!! My god, can you get any more shady than that? Thats it, his blow job privileges are cut off for a month...wait, I like giving as well as receiving, so scratch that!!! Ok, I know, I am gonna wait till he is asleep then shave "lazy cocksucker" into his chest hair! LOL hahahahah That'll teach the bastard to make me clean up sugar at 11:30 after dealing with shitty tippers all night! Sounds kinda harsh I know, but its late and I am mad so ohhhh wellllll!!!
Speaking of shitty no good tippers....We have a girl at work...I will call her puke breath for now...who made the most assinine comment tonight. We were all sitting around after work having a drink and bitching about not making enough know, the usual, talking about this bad tipper and that cheap bastard...and puke breath comes in with her winning comment.
"You know, NEGROS' (her word, not mine) are the worst tippers ever, they come in and run you all over the place and never tip worth a damn"!!!
Well, after almost drowing the chick next to me by spitting my strawberry dacquiri all over her, I looked at puke breath and said
"NEGROS'????????? are you fucking kidding me????" "What????" puke breath says.
"First off you racist bitch, there are plenty and I mean plenty of cheap honkey's out there too...and secondly, welcome to the 21st. century where we don't talk like that!!!"
I am most definately not the brawling kind, but I was soooo ready to beat this bitch back to her trailer park where she belonged! Then she says, and this is the topper...
"Well, my ancestors owned a big plantation in Virginia and they owned 100's of slaves so I can't help it...I come by it naturally!!!"
I had to either leave or end up in jail, so after accidently spilling the rest of my dacquiri all over puke breath, I did indeed leave. The scary part is, this waste of space has kids and I just shudder to think what she is passing on to them!
Sooooo, with puke breath and the sugar shit, its safe to say that its been a pretty fucked up Saturday huh? Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
see ya
sorry hear of your long evening. I hope you don't get ants!
Puke Breath interesting woman there, and a moron!
OMG! You and Steph have mouths like sailors.....and I love it!
You crack me up!
What a lazy ass. Good thing it was not a time when the ants were awake or I would have killed for that.
You know I have always hated it when people now a days are appologizing for something that was done years ago, certainly in no way their fault. But OMG the comment that person made. I would have had to leave also. How ignorant. I am shocked that this attitude exists today. I guess I live a shaltered life.
Racist freaks are everywhere. I just ran into a woman over the weekend that assumed my Chinese friend would want a green card. That tipping remark is horrible.
Yep Yep Yep Yep and Yep to all of you!!
Nice ... yep yep and yep. I want more raunch.
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » »
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