Sunday, March 25, 2007

My kid rocks...and crackwhore likes rocks!!

Well, that about says it much anticipated trip to the casino just plain STUNK!!
How bad did it stink?? Let me count the ways...
It stunk worse than a nasty, gnarled, 90 year old womans twat after she had been gang fucked 10 times a day, every day, for a year straight by a clan of rabid, mutant, giant mole rats!!!
Yep, it stunk that bad!!
I only ended up losing a hundred bucks, but I lost that hundred so fucking fast...I think it was a new damn record. Thankfully, I got the hell out of there before I got real stupid...
"I just know I can win it back...I just know it...let me just put another 20 in this here slot machine."
Nope, old Wendy is smarter than that!!! Sometimes! hahahahah
But, on the other hand, my daughter's trip to Central Michigan University was awesome! She is soooooooooooo sore today though.
They really worked those girls hard...get your mind out of the gutter...I am talking to the 3 producers of the porno movie "Under the table" Signgurl, Barman, and G-man.... hahahahahahahahahahahahha
Signgurl you probably want to kick you own ass for teaching me how to link huh???
In other news, the crackwhore is back in action. For those who do not remember, crackwhore is my older sister. After all the shitty things she has done to the family, I refuse to call her by her name...she is just crackwhore to me. So, would you like to know just how much of her brain has been eaten away by drugs?? Ok, I will tell you. Crackwhore is in jail right now because she tried to buy crack from an undercover officer.
That is bad enough right. Well not for crackwhore. After she found out that the "dealer" was a cop, she DEMANDED HER MONEY BACK SO SHE COULD GO FIND A REAL DEALER!!
"What, you aint gonna give me no rock?"
"You are under arrest for blah, blah, blah..."
"Well, give me back my fuckin money so I can go get high!"
"You are under arrest..."
"Did you hear me? I need to get me some real shit."
" are under arrest..."
So, crackity crack crackwhore decides is would just be a fantastic idea to jump on the police officer!
I saw this police officer, because they called 3:00 in the fucking come and get her daughter...yep, you read that right...she was trying to buy crack with her kid with her!!
I swear, I just do not know why she has not been nominated for mother of the year yet!
So anyway, about the cop...this guy was a HUGE black guy...about 6' 5" and at least a good 250lbs...and dumb shit thought she could take him...just another look at how incredibly stump dumb she has become since she started doing drugs.
The whole situation is made even more pathetic and sad by the fact that my sister had been diong really good, keeping clean. She lost her kids a while parents and I were taking care of them...
She went to rehab...did some counseling...the whole works, and the judge decided she could be given another chance to mother her kids. She was doing great...or so we thought...until I got that 3:00 call that is...
So, dumb bitch is back in jail...where I am starting to believe she should just remain for the rest of her life...and it looks like the kids will be coming back to my house.
My parents and I decided a long time ago that those kids would never end up in foster care just because of crackwhore, we go again!!!
**Their dad is a heroin addict who lives in Florida...last I heard about him, he was in jail again too**
And on that note, I'm out!!


SignGurl said...

I didn't produce Under The Table, I starred in it!

My leg is killing me from trying to kick my own ass for showing you the link thing. I'm such an idiot.

I should put this energy into kicking Crackwhore's ass. She needs a swift kick up side the head. You probably already tried that though.

You and I have got to go to the casino together. What fun!

barman said...

Isn't that so sad. I mean she was given a second chance. That is I assume she wants her kids. And then she went and blew it again BIG TIME. If the courts ever give her kids back to her they are a fool and should be locked up themselves.

I can only imagine you and Sign at the casino. It would be such a hoot.

Where is g-man at anyway? He must be a riding.

SIMON said...

Love your blog and like your style.
She definitely needs her ass kicking. Sorry you had no luck!
Sorry I haven't been here before as well. I will be back!
Drop by mine whenever you want, we try to have a laugh there!

G-Man said...

Yes I was out riding...Finally!
And Wendy there is NOTHING funny in this post..So any BS from me would be very crude indeed.
Hats off to you for trying to save her kids. You will always have my respect for that....
You Rock Wendy..xoxox

wmy said...

Signgurl- casino...yes, yes,,
and, I have tried to kick her every which luck.

barman- I do wonder about our court system sometimes. Some of the houses (cannot call them homes) they send these poor kids back to are horrifying!

ebezp- Hello!! Glad to meet ya!!
I will stop by your place in a bit!

G-man- You are right...and, I am happy to hear you finally got out on the road!! Get your motor runnin....