Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mr. Right

We were having a perfectly normal, boring weekend...little bit of laundry, some cleaning, kids were off playing in the know, the usual. Then, my son (13) comes home and says he has met a new friend, and can this new kid come in and play some video games with him. I do the usual drill sergeant grill...

"What's his name?"
"Where does he live?"
"Who are his parents?"
"How old is he?"
"What are his parents social security numbers, and how much is their annual income?"

Just the usual

Ok, this new friend, Jason, comes in with my son and they begin the slaughter and mayhem that is the norm on today's teen video games. I pop into the bedroom every once in a while...I am the intimidating parent ya know? Two 13 year olds in one room...DANGER WILL ROBINSON!

I figured this new kid would be staying for dinner, and knowing how much my own son can eat, I adjusted our dinner menu other words, I added another brontosaurus to the grill.

All is well in the house of wmy...I am happy my son has a new friend cause most of his school friends do not live in our neighborhood. All is happy and sappy ...until...

We sit down to dinner, and before Jason sits down, he takes off his hooded sweatshirt....and I am presented with this......................................

Black t-shirt with white lettering...

"I may not be Mr. Right, but I will fuck the hell out of you until he shows up."

So, you know me, being the cool mom and all...I start choking and gasping.

"Does your dad know you are wearing his shirt Jason?"

"Oh, this is mine, my mom bought it for me."

Well, what the hell??? and mother fuck!!! His MOTHER bought it for him??
Did Courtney Love have another child, and I missed it?!?

Being that my 7 year old was also at the table and does know how to read now, I made Mr. Rightnow put his hoodie back on.

Later on, after I had sent the future porn star on home to his loving mama, my son (13) and I had a talk where he basically let me know that I had overreacted...and embarrassed him when I had Jason put his shirt back on!!!!
Oh dear lord?? Not that!! I would never want to embarass my kid!! Never!! hahahahahha

So, until I get to meet this mother of the year, there is no way in fucking hell that my kid is gonna be spending time over at his new buddies house...when oh when did I turn into such a prude?? I guess my brain was affected by my vagina being ripped to shreds while trying to bring those damn kids into this world...embarrassing them is just my reward, right?? hahahah



barman said...

Embarrassing them ... not being a parent I do not know but I thought that was your duty to do that, not just your right.

Sorry, that shirt is over the top. That one particular word really offends some people, not me but I am just saying.

I don't think you and your 'gina over reacted at all. If that makes you a prude, well you were just doing your job.

Where can I get me a shirt like that. Oh wait, sometimes I have trouble wearing my shirt that says "Shit Happens" so I guess the shirt is out.

wmy said...

Barman- Thanks for the reassurance about my gina! lol
I do cherish embarrassing my is sometimes the only joy I get in my day!
Yeah for beat the ol g-man...hahahahahah

G-Man said...

Funny is it?
I spend an awful lot of blog hours roaming around the world, just to mark my territory properly...

So ha-fucking-ha Wendy..

And the T-Shirt?
It's your house!!!
You run the show..
13 is way old enough to be embarrassed about shit like that. Keep an eye on him!

I would have been 1st, but I was out riding...
Ride while you can baby!

wmy said...

g-man- you were out riding, and you couldn't make a little bitty pit stop and pick me up?? The hell you say!

MilkMaid said...

Yeah, your house, your rules.

I wanna hear about the meeting of this Mom LOL

Tim said...

Jason's "mom" sounds like a real winner. I can't wait to read about the encounter where you meet her. I can already tell that that "mom" needs a dope slap upside the head.

Somehow I doubt she bought that shirt for him... or even knows of its existence.

I'd be embarrassed if my kid had a t-shirt like that....

Anonymous said...
