Thursday, April 05, 2007

Pass the germs please

Tell me what you think, and if I overreacted at all...

Ok, last week, I went to my local gas station where I know all the workers, and they know me too...I am only in there 3 times a day!! lol

Anyway, "J", a male worker, had the worst cold...I am talking, swollen eyes, bright red nose, coughing and hacking every 1-2 minutes...the works!!

"What the fuck are you doing here if your so sick?" I asked in my polite, charming way...

"There is no one to cover my shift except the manager, and he said he would fire me if I didn't show up...and, gotta feed my kids ya know?"

At this point, we are over by the fountain drink station...he was refilling all of the cups and straws...and coughing all over everything in site!!

"Doesn't that jackass know that you are endangering the health of every single person who comes into this store?"

"Yep, he doesn't care, as long as he doesn't have to work any extra hours..."

I have met this manager before...walking shitbag, let me tell ya...and so I believed everything J was saying to me.
I also made sure not to buy a fountain drink either!!

This is the part where I need your opinion...

I left the store, and immediately went and found out what the corporate number was and called. I talked to some woman who was apparently in charge of all of the stores in my part of the state. I let her know about what had happened, and a few other things I had observed this wonderful manager doing, like selling cigarettes to a couple of underage girls...I only know they are underage cause they go into that store all the time, so I have seen them buy cigarettes from this guy many times, and I asked another employee about the girls..."Yep, they are minors...but, he's the boss, sooooo..."
I made sure to tell the lady on the phone that J was a great worker and that he always does a good job...he is just being held hostage by this prick of a manager who knows that J has to keep his job...I did not want J to get fired for showing up to work sick, I wanted the manager to do his damn job and make sure the shift was covered so his employees did not HAVE to work sick in the first place!!

So, guess what?? I went into the store last night...pricky the manager is no longer employed there!! I did my little happy dance...I did not, however, tell any of the employees that I had called corporate...
On the one hand, I feel great cause that dipshit should not have been such a loser, right?? But, on the other hand, I feel grimy for getting someone fired...he probably needed his job too huh??

But, then, I say to myself..."I had to say something...germs were being thrown hither and yon...all over the fucking place!"

What do you think blogger buddies?? I can take your honest opinion...if you want to say that I should have mindedmyownfuckingbusinesswhothehelldoIthinkIamanyway...that would be fine. has been snowing here...FUCKING SNOWING I SAID!!!!! When, oh when will that bitch known as winter let her death grip on my sad little state go??



Cazzie!!! said...

Well (swear words impending here), I would have done the same fuckin'thing, that boss was not a boss'asshole!! Selling ciggys minors, sheesh, they coulda been our kids for Christ's sake..well, maybe not since I am in Australia.
Anyhow, make sure you keep up with all the vitamins coz you might well get that dreaded lurgy that J had. It takes a good 2 weeks to fester, so beware.
Have a great Easter. Sorry it is snowing, I hate the cold, and the weather is beginning to get cooler here now for us.

barman said...

I don't know. I would have been worried for J's Job. Other than that the manager may have just been doing what corporate said to do but certainly they do not support selling cigarettes to minors. He got his own ass fired. You were just the instrument is all. Who knows, maybe they had other complaints before.

Mental note: Don't piss off Wendy and for heaven sakes, sneeze into a Kleenex or something next time I am sick.

Hey what ever happened to the interview you were suppose to get when you called corporate about that jerk that wanted you to work in the kitchen? Just curious. Did I miss something?

G-Man said...

You did nothing wrong!
You did your civic duty.
You don't serve minors do you?
So don't feel guilty about a thing...
If we are in the publics eye, we need to act accordingly....G xox

SignGurl said...

You did those employees a favor. More than likely, they've all tried to get him out but corporate offices never listen to employees.

Poor J. He should have never been made to work feeling that bad!

Anonymous said...

I think you did the right thing wendy.
I don't think they would've fired him over one complaint about selling ciggies to minors without having proof.
Methinks this was the straw that broke the camel's back and there was more to him being let go than your phone call.

Barney said...

You did the right thing..
I mean seriously.. little prickless wonder manager was basically holding the position over J's head.. he's the big bad manager.. and he can do what he wants.. right?

Some people need to be slapped back into reality..HARD...

You done did good girl!!
Feel proud that maybe, You gave J the oppertunity to move up to a better position

The Cat said...

You really are changing the world Wen. Gas station by gas station, you're changing the world.

Good onya.

Anonymous said...

You did the right thing! I just got over the worst illness of my life and I caught it from a sick person working at a restaurant. I can't believe a boss would make someone work sick when their job entails handling food. I went to two restaurants that day so I don't know which one made me sick, but you can bet I'm not going back to either of them.