Friday, December 30, 2005

13 things

Hey folks

So, heres the thing...I was twiddling around the blogs, and came across this thing called 13 for Thursday, or 13 on Thursday, or something like that. I can't remember which blog I saw it on, and I am waaayyyyy to lazy to go searching for it...but I thought it was kind of are supposed to list 13 things about your self every Thursday so other bloggers can get to know random things about ya! So, I of course decided to rip it off and do it here on my wonderful blog! hahaha...If it was your blog that I saw this on, I apologize in advance, and please don't slap my ass with a lawsuit...LOL Here it is.....13 random, pointless, dumb things you never asked to learn about me!! ENJOY

1. My ankles crack and pop everytime I walk up stairs (I'm old ok??)

2. I love the smell of liver being fried, but I wouldn't eat that shit even if you had a gun to my head!

3. I think onion breath smells good.

4. I pick all the nail polish off my nails within 1 hour of painting them. (I know, I have issues,)

5. I had a 4.0 GPA all the way through high school (took some time off to have my kids, have one fucked up bad marriage, and am now going back to college)

6.I had 7 count em 7 orgasms last night (I am a new member of the multiple orgasm club)

7. I have never had hair on my armpits (it just never grew there)

8. I am a lover of sex toys...all kinds, I have no prejudices

9. I am obsessive compulsive about checking the locks in my house before I go to bed at night.

10. I am a big scardy cat when it comes to the dark.

11. I have never had sex in the water.

12. I have made an amateur porn tape with my love bud.

13. I can hold my breath for 2 minutes under water.(hey, I think I'm cool cause of that!!)

Thats all I have for today kids...tune in tomorrow for more fun and hijinks!

see ya


SignGurl said...

7 orgasms in one night? That has to be a record!

Holding your breath for 2 minutes makes you a super hero.

My knees pop when I walk up stairs (I'm old too).

Congrats on going back to school!

When are you going to post an HNT (Half Nekkid Thursday) picture?

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »