Friday, December 30, 2005

I need ya again


ok, this might sound stupid to some of you experienced bloggers, but how do you put a link to something inside your in the post you will type, Check out so and so's blog "here" well, how do you get just the "here" to show up??? I have tried clicking the little green link thingy at the top there, but then all the www stuff shows up too. I just want the "here"...ahhhh...I hope someone out there understands my rambling, and I am not just confusing the issue even more!

Come on, help a blogger out...LOL

see ya


egan said...

Yo, you can use HTML or look for a infinity icon above where you type the text.

Highlight the text you want to link to and then click the infinity icon and then copy and paste the website in. The html stuff is a little more complicated. Do a internet search for "a href" and that should point you in the right direction. Or I can help you later today after I get some sleep. Peace out!

wmy said...

egan- what the hell is an infinity icon? I told you I was bad at this stuff remember?? Go and get some sleep, then we will get back at it tommorrow...thank you!!

lccb81 said...

First you highlight the "here" and then you click on the little green ball with link on it (when you put your cursor over it it should say link).

THEN, when the pop up screen appears but in the website where it says http:// (insert website here).

Then click ok. I hope that works. :)

SignGurl said...

In your Blogger post page type in the word you want to link. Go back and highlight that word.

Open another window to find the web page you want to link. Highlight the web address at the top and copy it.

Go back to your blogger post page where the word you want to link is highlighted and click on the green box at the top of your Blogger tool bar (it does have the infinity symbal in it, and it's near the text color tool). Click it and it will bring up a box that has http in it. Delete the http that is already in the box and paste the web address there and click OK. That should do it.

I hope that I didn't confuse you. It really is easy after the first time, kinda like sex, *giggle*

Anonymous said...

WMY highlight the word or words that you want to be linked to something, hold down the following two keys at the same time ... Ctrl and Shift (up arrow key!) and then press 'A' at the same time. A box will appear, then just type in the link to the website. :-)

egan said...

Yep, there you have it.

Mike said...

Sounds like you have all of the help you need. If not let us know!

Tim said...

you have links to blogs outside of your posts on the right hand column, right? How did you link those?

Just do the same thing you did on the side. Say you want to reference my blog in one of your posts, just use the "{a href=""}text to click on here{/a}"

But you'll need to replace the {} I've used in my example with the <> charachters to get the link to work

Just don't use the li and /li tags on either end....

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year WMY and Dustin. Have a good one!

barman said...

You now have about 5 different ways to do it WMY. Give it a try and if it does not work give us a shout out. As Jenn suggests, it really is not that hard as it seems. By the way, the infinity symbol is actually a picture of the globe with two links of a chain connected together. As was said it will say LINK if you sit over it. Also, the keyboard shortcut is probably the easiest way to get there instead of using the button mentioned.

Avoid the HTML stuff if you do not know what you are doing. It will drive in crazy. I hope your new year is being brought in properly and wish you the best in 2006.

By the way, here is a link to bring the new year in right. I think they are trying to sell something but click on the couple of pictures and Enjoy.

wmy said...

you guys all rock!!! Thank you very much...and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

egan said...


Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!