Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Bloody mary anyone??

Happy almost New Year!!

I am soo horny right now, but "sigh" no lovin for me cause I am surfing the crimson Alicia Silverspoon would say in Clueless.

Which brings me right to my point as a matter of do you guys and gals out there in blogger land feel about doin the dirty while the woman is raggin it?
My love bud was so riled up last night that he didn't he said "we have towels, fuck it"
and we did indeed!

We ended up right in the shower after, because it was pretty fucking messy as you can imagine. We have decided that next time we just cant wait, we are gonna start out in the shower and forget trying to stay on the damn towel...which is next to impossible...once your ass gets a wigglin and a jigglin, there is no fucking way that we were gonna be able to stay in one spot!

Back to my original question...would you get down there and swim around in the bloody pond or not???
Discuss, enjoy

see ya


egan said...

I love swimming, so why not?

Mike said...

Makes no difference to me. I actually find that chicks are hornier when Aunt Flo is in town.

SignGurl said...

Um, I'm not down with that too much. Too messy and hard to clean. Maybe if it wasn't the heavy flow days.

Paul said...

Not if I had to clean it up, but other than that I don't have a problem with it. No oral of course.

Tim said...

When I was married, we ventured there a few times. Most of the time though, sex was the furthest thing from her mind (or so she would tell me) during that time of the month. Would I go there again? Sure. If I was with the right woman.

Big Pissy said...

HAHAHAHA! You are TOO funny! Its not an issue for me~had that taken care of at age 28~yea me!
But I have heard it described here in the Southern Circle of Hell... as "Red river or no river...tonight, we're gonna SWIM!" LOL!!!

btw: I love Clueless, too!!!