Sunday, January 01, 2006

A little last minute bitching


So, who else out there in bloggerland has tried that mother fucking Sudoku?? I am telling ya, my head is gonna explode if I keep playing...but I can't seem to just fucking stop! I actually had a dream about the shit last night...I need a life, any doesn't have to be a grand exciting life, just a life.

BTW, thank you to everyone who offered tips about posting links...look up there guys, by george, I think I've got it!! LOL

I know that I have posted about shitty winter drivers before, but I don't feel like I have gotten it all out of my system yet, so here goes...

Have you ever been behind someone who just won't take their fucking foot off the brake? Just non-stop breaking...for NO REASON!! And you can't get around them, cause everyone else is driving like assholes too. I know you know what I am talking about...the lead-footed breaker. These are usually women (sorry girls, but it's true) and these bitches never should have gotten their drivers licenses in the first place...While the rest of us were reading the drivers ed book and practicing our parallel parking, these whores were jumping up and down on Mr drivers ed teachers cock!

As you can probably guess, I was stuck behind one such whore tonight. I had to work at my ass raping job tonight, but I wanted to get home before midnight for some ball droppin new year lovin. But, OHHHH NOOOOO.... I had to be stuck behind this moron...break on, break off, break on , break off, break on break off....the roads were not bad, and my road rage was just stewing. I was already pissed off that I had to work on New Years Eve anyway. That bitch is lucky she is still alive to annoy someone else tomorrow...which I am sure she will....on off on off on off...shot gun please!!

Just in case you were wondering, I made it home in plenty of time to have hot sweaty NEW YEARS SEX...( it deserves to be in capitals, cause it was that good!!) LOL

I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful year and I wish you all nothing but good things!!

see ya


SignGurl said...

Happy New Year, Wendy!!

Here's to more fun in 2006 and me joining the mulitiple "O" club!

Big Pissy said...

Good for your and your "hot, sweaty New Year's sex"!

Happy New Year!

barman said...

Good for you on the awesome New Year's sex! Way to bring the new year in in style.

About that person with the break fetish ... I could not help but think about that stupid commercial that probably everyone has seen ... clap on, clap off, clap on clap off, the clapper! Only substitue break and breaker. To funny Wendy.

By the way, it is not just you. I have that happen all the time. I have not noticed if there was a particular gender involved other than it is often old people that can barely see over the steering wheel but I will take your word for it.

egan said...

You're into martial arts?

lccb81 said...

Totally understand the sudoku. It's one of my bookmarks. I only allow myself one puzzle a day or else it will be 100 and do I really have that much time on my hands? No.

wmy said...

jenn- I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

pissy- thank you, thank you very much..LOL

barman-Now I am gonna have that clap on thing stuck in my head all day long...ahhhh LOL

Egan- Your starting to mess with my emotions man! hahaha

Iccb- Yep Yep Yep...She's a sneaky, sneaky one, that Sudoku. LOL...they need to have a 12 step program for it!

egan said...

Wax on, wax off.

Tim said...

I have no clue what sedoku is, and I can live with that.


Massachusetts drivers aren't that bad....(I'm lying) I used to be one and still maintain some of those bad habits....(that's true)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do you have a teen driver? These magnets are great, easy to put on and take off. Perfect for the teenager driving under a permit. The magnets alert other drivers to be patient and aware that a new driver is behind the wheel. A must for every new driver. Visit AutoSafetyMagnets today!

Anonymous said...

Do you have a teen driver? These magnets are great, easy to put on and take off. Perfect for the teenager driving under a permit. The magnets alert other drivers to be patient and aware that a new driver is behind the wheel. A must for every new driver. Visit AutoSafetyMagnets today!