Monday, January 16, 2006

blog cheating

ok, sooooo...
Who else out there has been accused of "messing around" on their sig nif other because they spend so much time blogging? Anyone??? Anyone??? ME TOO!!! Can we all say it together now...WHAT THE FUCK???

Thats right kiddies, my little love bud has actually accused me of peekin over the neighbors fence! Oh the nerve...he "just can't understand why the hell you need to spend every waking fucking second on that computer woman!" It probably didn't help that I jumped right on the computer the minute I got back from sister fucker country either, and spent the next couple of hours posting and catching up on all of your blogs! What...I kissed the kids and love bud first, and said I was glad to be home (ok, they were quick kisses) LOL I tried to explain the whole blogging thing to him, and the first words he comes up with are..."So, your fucking around in some goddamn chat room aint ya?" I reply with "No, my darling poo bear, I would'nt ever venture into a chat room for fear of offending you"...ok, maybe it was more like "back off fucker, blogs are not chat rooms!"

The argument only got worse when I refused to let him read my bud and I have very good communication, but I made this blog for ME...and you bitches too of course!LOL
When I again tried to explain the blogging concept to him, he just god madder and madder, cause, as he says "So, you can share your inner most crap with a bunch of chat room loving mother fuckers, but not with me?" Again with the chat room rant...

So, to save my relationship, and to get him to shut the fuck up...I did the unthinkable...I let him read some of my posts!! *hanging my head down* LOL And you know what? After all that bullshit about chat rooms and everything else, he says "Well, thats pretty cool...maybe I should start one myself!" Fucker!!! I threw him down right then and kicked his ass...actually, I threw him down and we had hot, sweaty, animalistic make-up sex (always the highlight of ending an argument I say)

And now that love bud is reassured that I am not gonna run away with Cletus the banjo playing auto sales man from bumfuck Maryland, who I met while blogging, he is okay! And, like I told love bud..."Till you see me jump up on the desk and start moaning and rubbing my 'gina savagely against the computer screen while blogging, you have nothing to worry about baby!"

So, everything is all better now, and my blogging future is secure...maybe I better throw him down one more time and rape the hell out of know, just to make sure!! hahaha
Have a great night folks

see ya


Tina said...

Hi there! LMAO@this post! I guess I got lucky, we are all geeks in this house and I do everything, chat, text, email, blog - funny that your guy now wants to do

I'll be back too! :)

barman said...

Well good for you. I have only been at this for a fairly short time and, while there is a little flirting going on, I really do not think I have seen anything serious. It has been fun getting to know and follow what is going on with your friends.

I am so glad you were able to work things out ... oh, and the make up sex was a nice side benifit too.

Polyman2 said...

It's all a nice illusion.
The draw of the blog
is that it is anonymous
and random. Yet, it is the best vehicle for intimacy and one
can still keep a distance.
It is a sign of our times.

SuperSpyGal said... are one nutty gal !!

I love the whole blogging comment and reply when you get a chance and there is no pressure to put on an act..chatrooms are a meatmarket, drama, lies, etc...this is so much more's like reading someone's diary..and YES, I'm sooooo nosey that way !! LOL

Anonymous said...

So is he going to start a blog then???
Would you like suggestions for a name for his blog? You could do a post on it!

egan said...

Why did you choose Cletus as your example? I'm a little hurt by that. Look Cletus hasn't even chimed in yet on this post. Next time use Barman, Gareth, Todd, or myself in your example. Give us the proper shout out yo!

I totally feel you on this post. As a married man I just anticipate that my wife will read it. Nothing on the blog, in my mind, should be new to her. There may be a few tiny insignificant exceptions to that rule. But I am hopelessly addicted to blogging. I did a post about it last week or something.

Anonymous said...

Oh well said Egan! Sooooo WMY what's up with that, huh huh, haha j/k :P

egan said...

Yep Gareth, see this Cletus guy still hasn't checked in. He must work in the biz or something. Lame.

Mr. Shife said...

LOL. Good stuff. I am glad that love bud finally understands that us bloggers have needs as well.

SignGurl said...

So, are our husbands related? Mine is sure that I'm going to run away with Calzone the dragon. He's actually jealous of a fucking dragon!

I have only showed my sister my blog and let her read a few posts. She liked it and thought it was just like me.

I don't think I'll ever let Mr. Sign read this. I don't think he would be especially happy about some of my HNT posts.

I am so addicted to blogging that it's scaring me! Someone help me!

Tim said...

I too am an addicted blogger. Reading, commenting and writing. Seems like I spend hours doing this when other stuff needs to be done. Oh well. If this is the one "vice" I have, then so be it.

Plus, as I said in a recent post, I love the sense of community that we bloggers have formed.

barman said...

You know I have often wondered if sposes or SO know about the blogs or even read them. It sounds like blogs, for the most part, are kept pretty private. Interesting.

yournamehere said...

I remember way back in the day when you'd actually comment on my blog.

SignGurl said...

LMAO at YourNameHere!

egan said...

Still, no signs of this Cletus The Magnificent. I'm so disappointed.

egan said...

Hizzlethizzle - sounds like my wife. She has commented a couple times.

SignGurl said...

Wendy, just forget about your family and come to us. Your REAL family misses you.

Come with us, Wendy......

Anonymous said...

Are you away on vacation??? Why did you not invite the rest of us?! I was all ready to go too. I had my speedos and bronze tanning lotion already packed but you didn't call around. Where are you? It's getting really chilly in here and I'm afraid that something might fall off!!

Tumbleweed said...

Yes, rape him one more time and call out my name! I am glad you guys got it all WORKED out!

Phats said...

My significant other doesn't even know I have a blog, mostly because of a story I posted BEFORE we started dating.

egan said...

I am really curious how many significant others don't know about their partner's blog. I might have to post about this and see what the results are.

Gareth, I think she's working really really late nights.