Saturday, January 21, 2006


"How many times can you have anal sex before you should go have your ass checked by a doctor?"

This was the question asked of me by one of my co-workers...we will call her "The biggest, nastiest, grossest whore on the planet" for now k?
Now, I have worked with "tbngwotp" for a while, and lets just say that she is not shy okay? These are just a few of the things that she has said OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE...

"I just started my period, and I don't have any underwear on...the blood is running down my leg"

"I have the happiest dog in the world...I jack him off so that he won't bother the other dogs in the neighborhood."

"I live across the street from a golf course, and every sunday, I masturbate while watching the old men golf."

"My old man fucked me with a pabst blue ribbon bottle last night."

Sooooo, ummmmmmmm....yeah, she really is the "biggest, nastiest, grossest whore on the planet." right?
I get chills of revulsion just thinking about the STD's running rampant throughout her body
right now! Chlamydia? check...Ghonnorhea? check...Syphyliss? check...Aids? Oh, absolutely!
This nasty bitch should have to wear a warning around her crotch...
"Stop!!! Do not come any closer, unless you want your dick to fall off!"

My god, when I think about it, I work with some real freaks...thankfully I am so normal right! hahahahaha
Bedeep..bedeep...bedeep...thats all folks!! Have a great weekend! there a certain number of times you can have anal sex before your asshole fall out?
I really wan't to give her an answer...hahahahhhhohohohoheheheheheeeeeeeee

see ya


yournamehere said...

Wow, this even made me sick. Congratulations.

Tim said...

Geez and I thought "gummy" was bad...

SuperSpyGal said...

Oh yuck....I can't decide which one of those examples is worse than the other...ackkkkkkk

Polyman2 said...

Sounds like a real classy broad.

Mike said...

OMG - That is freaking funny. If you need to ask, it is time to go! That was great and caught me off guard!

Tina said...

Ohhh thats realllly sick...not sure which is making me puke the have to work with her? with her? near her? My apologies.

barman said...

Maybe she should just toss that in with her anual visit to the doctor! Too funny and stange to be asking that question.

I was going to say maybe she is just trying to shock but the period stuff and the dog. That is a bit ruff. I mean a persiod is a way of life and mentioning you got your persiod or not I have some to accept as normal but that is a bit much. The beer bottle thing too ... well I guess life is never boring.

DZER said...

and here I thought that "skank" would describe pretty much any nasty whorish type gal ... thanks to you I found out that I was wrong ... LOL

and you guys don't make her wear sterilized gloves while serving? LOL

egan said...

How can I meet her?

Michele in Michigan said...


And to think that Michigan is a bottle return state! Not that anyone other than her old man drinks Pabst....

Just. Ick.

Anonymous said...

She sounds like a really nice woman. Can I have her number please??? Oh and the number to the local STD clinic as well. LMAO :P

SignGurl said...

OMG at what Michelle said. That thought had never occurred to me.

So what does Michigan do with all of those returned bottles? They go back to the original bottling plants right? Do they make Pabst in Wisconsin? I don't think I'll ever be able to put my mouth on another bottle again!

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's pretty tacky AND gross. It takes a lot to "gross me out", but your co-worker just did it.

Tumbleweed said...

Thank goodness I can't answer that question. You do work with some freaks, it may be time to switch jobs before they rub off on you!!

Design Goddess said...

I think I would have to move to a different side of the world if I worked with her! That's just nasty!

Phats said...

umm this blog always makes me nervous! hahaha

mikster said...

Some questions weren't meant to have an

flounder said...

Don't talk about my mother like that, dammit!

egan said...

Remember when Wendy used to respond to comments? Remember when this blog was fun to the sixth power? Wendy, bring back the punctuation and crazy CAPS.

redgirl said...

i thought i had heard it all but this one tops them

AMS said...

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh VOM!

Tina said...

God bless that woman....she is nasty. But her dog is happy so it's all good. Tell her I think it depends on alot of factors, like dick size, lube, etc. Get those answers and I might be able to help. Not from my own experience mind you, just know that I can get you an answer!

Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info » »