Friday, June 30, 2006

Good times

So, what are we all doing for the 4th of July?? My daughter has already flown the coop...she is camping for 9 days with her best friends family. We have some friends who have property up by the Muskegon River, so I am pretty sure that we will be heading north this weekend!!

Campfire...friends...fireworks...plenty to drink lol...beautiful weather(hopefully)...what the hell else could we ask for??? Good times people...good times!!!

Of course, since my love bud is a bit of a pyro, he will be spending the ENTIRE weekend poking and prodding the campfire...just daring anyone else to mess with HIS DAMN FIRE...

"Hey, get the fuck away from here, I have absolutely everything under control...really!"

of course, after a few Canadian Club and 7-up's, it comes out a little something like...

"HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, get the fu(burp/gag)ckkkk way frun he (wobble, wobble, stumble, stumble...drop the poker...pick the poker back up)...I got absholooty evthang under cunt..trol...hahah...I say cunt!" (Drops the poker, picks the poker back up)
"Babe...BABE...(this is my name when he is too far gone to remember it I guess) heyyyyyyyy babe!!! ( He is now doing the one eyed squint at me )Tell these jokers that I have (drop the poker, pick the poker back up) it hannnnddddllllleeeedddddd okay?"

This is usually just about time for me to intervene and calmly suggest (yank his dumb ass as hard as I can by his drunk ass hand) that he head off to the tent.

OOOOHHHH YEAH...GOOD TIMES!!! and I can't wait !!!
I hope you all have a fun weekend, and keep it safe folks. ( listen to me...telling you to keep it safe, when I have to save my idiot lovebud from 3rd degree burns every time we go camping!!!)
ahhhhh hell...have a safe happy 4th k?? K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see ya


barman said...

OMG, I know that oh so well. A whole group of us (between 30 and 60) go camping every Labor Day in Durand Michigan. We have several resident pyros on staff although the two major pyros no longer show so we may have an opening.

Anyway we tend not to combined the person being dragged off to the tent and the person stagering, poking and providing the entertainment into the same person. Either way though it is always fun and pretty much just what you say.

If your love bud would like to take the resident pyro position, just let me know. I am sure you guys would fit right in. :)

Crabby said...

I wanna go with you. sniff. sniff.

Naw, I'll doing the party down thing here. The 4th just happens be right in there with my birthday so I get to be a total loon for like 3 days straight. It's great!

We'll go all over the place and hang with friends doing whatever sounds good at the time.

It's all good. Love those 3 day weekends.

Phats said...

Hmm I am going to my parentals and my sister and her hubby and their 3 kids all 3 yrs old and younger, and we're taking them swimming, cooking out, then watching the local fireworks. Should be a long day!

SignGurl said...

Where are you? Did you do the camping thing? I saw you over at my place so you can't pretend you aren't around, lol.

I snorted when I read your drunk talk. I resemble that remark at times.