Monday, July 03, 2006

Can you say unemployment??

So, the title of my last post was Good times right? NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
We had a meeting Saturday morning at work, supposedly we were gonna talk over rules know, another boring work meeting right? WRONG!!
Those cowards brought us in there to tell us that we were closing our doors the NEXT DAY!!
Can you fucking believe that????? What a grimy thing to do to your employees!
"Whats that you say?? You won't be able to feed your kids? Well too fucking bad!"
What a bunch of ball sucking bastards. Don't give us a chance to find, tell us one day before you close so we are all fucked!

After the meeting, the head honcho's called a few of us aside to ask us if we wanted to transfer out to another one of their restaurants. To hell with the other 95% of the employees right? I am sure that I will take them up on their offer cause I can't afford not to right now. But you can bet that I will immediately start looking for something else!!! Who is to say that the exact same thing wont happen again in 6 months at this other restaurant right?????
Corporate America can just EAT ME!! There is no loyalty left.... its all about me, me, me, and fuck the rest of you!
As you can tell folks, I have not had a good couple of days here...but, I wont let them get me down. No sir!!! lol
So, you might be seeing me down on the welfare line...I wonder if they still give free cheese away? LOL Damn, I wish I would just win the damn lotto...then I could be a lady of leisure!
Just floating around on my huge raft in my gigantic pool all day...yep, that would be the life!
I will be dreaming of that as I stand in the unemployment just sucks sometimes ya know???????????????

see ya


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww I'm really sorry Wendy. I hope you kicked your bosses in the nuts and then used a cheese grater on them :p

Hang in there and something else will come along :)

wmy said...

gareth-see...thats why I love always have such inventive revenge ideas!! lol I know something better is just around the corner.

barman said...

*hugs* for you for sure. It is like that everywhere. I have been fortunate so far but a friend, Top Cat, is not only losing his job but also his wife is losing hers because they work at the same place.

There was this one resteraunt I used to go to occasionally and they did the same thing. They told the employees (I hope) the day before. I say I hope because they had signs up in the windows that thanked everyone and said sorry to the employees. It could be that was the first they heard about it. Unbelievable.

Best of luck finding what ever is next for you and also finding "the ticket" you are looking for.

Phats said...

Chin up nipper! hang in there

happy 4th of July

Brighton said...

I'm so sorry, that just blows. I would most certainly start looking for another place of employment, then be sure NOT to give them any notice and to mention that you didn't because they didn't give any of you notice. Asshats.

Tim said...

wmy: hang in there kiddo & buy plenty of newspapers with job listings. A woman of your obvious talent will find something more suitable 'afore ye know it.... :>o

Hope your holiday is otherwise fun...

wmy said...

barman-- yep honey, restaurant owners are not usually the kindest of folks ya know?
phats-thanks so much..happy 4th to you too!
brighton-HELLO!!! thats pretty much what I am plannin...
green- talent??? lol...thanks darlin!!

Mone said...

Oh that sucks sooo much!! Shitheads!!
I can relate to how you are feeling. I worked at that restaurant in SF back then and I was standing in front of closed doors. They didn't even bother telling us!! And I was living back then on weekly payroll so to speak. Luckily this one waitress knew the brother of the owner, he had a restaurant on the other end of the city, and she took me by the hand and we went there to get our money he owned us for the week. Since I didnt speak englich to well back then I would have never made it without her.
But you will see, every end is a new beginning. I'm sending you a whole bunch of positive energy!!

PS: Happy fourth of July! The great America is not corporate America at all. Love.

Everything Nice said...

OHMYGOD Im so sorry hun!!! Ive been in that same exact situation... at least 3 times.

In fact, when I worked for a big corporate bank and they were closing down our department, not only did they give us 3 weeks before we were to leave, but we were in charge of closing down the department ourselves!!!

AND train our replacements... yep.

sucked. The VP sent us a cake for all of our years of service... it wasnt even chocolate.

Big hugs!!! Hmmmm.... just be sure you get lots of fiber to counteract that cheese, seriously :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July Wendy :)

Manny said...

Aww sweetie, I'm sorry.

You are way to smart to let this get you down. You will find another job. A better job, better benefits, better pay.

I believe in you so make sure you believe in yourself.

btw, Which resturaunt? If you don't want to tell me here then just fly me an email. I won't ever eat there again. I'll even do a bad blog about them.

Shit!!!! that sucks !!!

Here we are in the best country ever and this kind of crap happens.

If the cheese grater doesn't work, try a potato peeler.

Crabby said...

I was a server for awhile myself. Where I was management would actually refer to servers as "warm bodies". As in, we're gonna need another warm body to fill in.

Right. Like it isn't demeaning enough to have some gal snap her fingers when she wants to get your attention and then order you around like you're her dog.

I loved the job and hated the job. I loved the instant gratification. You know me, everything's a game. I'd actually set scores for myself. LOL!

But I absolutely hated it when people looked down on me or any of the other servers there.

And to get it from your own managers. Now that's the worst yet. So I totally identify with how you're feeling.

They closed down a Damon's here the same way just a few weeks ago. One day it was there, next it wasn't and nobody including the servers saw it coming. Unreal!