Thursday, June 29, 2006


Hello again all my little chico's and chica's....How is everyone's hump day going?? Mine??? Just fabulous, thanks for asking! lol

Sooooooooooooooooooo....who else out there has watched that show Intervention on A&E? I have watched a few of the episodes...they kind of hit close to home, cause I have that crack head for a sister...I have posted about her a FEW times. Anyway, if you haven't watched, I will give a brief summary k? k... Basically, the producers tell the addict that they are on a documentary type show talking about their addictions...they follow the addict around while they shoot up, or smoke, or snort, or drink, whatever the hell kind of drug that person is on. They also interview the addicts family and friends, (the addict doesn't know this of course).
So, they show these people doing all sorts of illegal things. The real hard ones to watch are the ones where there are kids involved, and the mom or dad is so bad into the drug that the poor kid is just tossed to the side basically! Well, eventually, the interventionist meets with the family and friends and they try to come up with a way to trick the addict into coming to a certain place so they can all try to convince this person to go into treatment.
It really is an interesting show to watch....I just have such a hard time coming up with sympathy for these folks....Now, my sister has put my family through hell on earth, and her kids (even though the rest of us try so hard to be there for them) have suffered the most. It pisses me off so much that the innocent one is always the one to suffer because this jackass has an addiction!

I know they say you should never judge unless you have walked in someone else's shoes.....well, fuck that!!!!!!!!!!! I have certainly earned the right to have my opinion about it right?? RIGHT!!

Sorry lovlies, I kind of got off track a little there thinking about my crackwhore sister.
If you get a chance, watch the is eye opening, thats for sure. I have even looked into trying to get my sister on that show....I don't know if it would do any good though, she is pretty far gone. Some times I wish that I could just give up on her 100% and just wash my hands of her for ever!! It might be better for my sanity if I did...I still love her though dammit...I probably always will in some small way, no matter what she does. I really is true....your family will fuck you ever faster than anyone else!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....I wanted to end this on a happy note, not still, here's to peace on earth, and love to all mankind! lol
Night night kids!!


Mone said...

Must be hard on you to see your sister going down so much... but you will always love her. Thats just the way it is.
I feel sorry for the children in those families to. Its not their fault. They grow up somehow. The important part is for them to know that they have a choice and not repeating the behavior they have seen from the parents.

wmy said...

Mone- Exactly...not repeating the cycle is the main thing!

Anonymous said...

I guess there is a slim to zero chance of actually getting her on that show but kudos to you for even looking into the possibility :)

Everything Nice said...

I used to watch this show all the time. Not lately though as my workload has me chained to my lap top!!

BUT, I remember the episode with the video game junkie... Dude had trouble seperating reality from imaginary. His eyes looked dazed and distant all the time... was sad.

I let my eldest son watch it since he's a bit of a gamer. It changed his perception of what can happen when you play video games too often or all the time and has since decided that reading and exercise is AWESOME. Lol.

I guess in that way the show is great. But I agree that I have a hard time having sympathy for those people, especially since most times when Im watching the show it's apparent that theres either A) an enabler involved -or- B) Somebody just stands by and watches the person destroy themselves.

Im not saying this is happening in your sisters case at all, I have no doubt you're a loving an supportive family... :)

I would be stuck on my sister too if she smoked crack...

Thank you for linking me :) I'd love to do the same.. I will update my links list tonight.

You know, Ive read your blog many times before.... I love your attitude about thinks :)

Everything Nice said...

** attitude about things!

Crabby said...

I need to check this one out. I hadn't even heard of it.

I've had my share of dealing with drunks and addicts. So I know exactly how you feel, wmy.

It's always a choice. Always.

RennyBA said...

I've never seen the show and don't think we have it in Norway and I was thinking maybe thats for the best.
Thanks for the 'love to all mankind' in the end and I'll return the same from Norway:-)

SignGurl said...

It is painful to watch that show, let alone live it like you do. I'm always amazed about how something so small (drugs) can decimate an entire family.

Hugs to you!

wmy said...

I love you guys!!!!!!!!!

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