Friday, June 23, 2006

its gotta be him

Men are complete idiots right? RIGHT!!! So....Me and the lovebud have been fighting like cats and dogs lately. Is there something in the air or what? We have been driving each other crazy.
I would like to just wring his fucking neck!! I think maybe its the heat ya know? lol I start to get a little hot, and immediately start to get annoyed...and he just knows exactly which buttons to push to make me go postal! Isn't it funny how those little quirks that you at first found so endearing and funny and loveable, after a few years, those same quirks make you want to shove him face first into the biggest pile of steaming horse shit you find??? Is it just me, could it be that I turn into a raving bitch from hell when its hot, and this poor loveable man has to pay the price for my lunacy??????????/ NO, IT COULDN'T BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahihihihhheheheheohohohoho I should stop thinking so crazy, it has to be him...right? RIGHT???????????????
Whew, that was a close one!!!!! I shall banish those insane thoughts right out of my non-crazy, cool, calm head this instant!!!!
Have a fabulous day folks!!!
see ya


Anonymous said...

Just think about the making up afterwards ;)

Manny said...

Just keep telling yourself. 'The poor little darling just doesn't know any better.' LOL

Thanks for stopping by. Come back soon!

barman said...

Good, I am not the only one where something cute turns ugly after a while.

I am betting it is the heat but then again you are talking to yourself. It doesn't look good.

wmy said...

gareth- did it...then he went and opened his mouth again!! lol
denny- gareth is such a first comment hog huh?? lol
manny-I think I will stitch that on a damn pillow...and smother him with it!! hahaha
barman- just what are you trying to say?? hhhahahahahah...I have been talking to myself for is way past looking good!

ghee said...

I know the feeling! LOL!

Phats said...

I am not an idiot, it's always the women's fault but it's just easier for us to say it's our fault, quicker make up, quicker to get back to sex

Mone said...

maybe you two need some time out? sometimes living together just needs a break fom the everyday routine.

wmy said...

green- good advice...he does need a slap!
ghee- thanks for commenting!! Come on back now ya here!! lol
phats- I of course meant every man EXCEPT you!!!!!!
mone-true, true, true......

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