Thursday, February 22, 2007

Racist white chick

I need a little bit of help here. Today, my daugher came home and told me that she got into an argument with a girl at school (the girl is a black girl) and said that this girl called her a trashy honkey (my daughter is in sixth grade!!) I called the school, and was told by the principal that "Honkey" is not a derogatory word, and I should basically just get over it. Never mind that it made my kid cry, and she was all upset, no, just forget about it. I may be asking for trouble here, but what makes calling a white person ok, and calling a black person the N work not ok?!? See, I will not even type that word...I know it is not an ok word, we all do right? Well, why is calling a white person something that is specifically derogatory toward their race fine and dandy?? The whole thing pisses me right off. To be fair, I think this incident was amplified by another one that happened yesterday. I am going to school, and we are talking about black history month in one of my classes. Well, one of the guys (black guy) says "yeah, you gave us a whole month...big deal, you gave us the shortest month of the year" what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Well, you know me, I said just that...without the FUCK in it...and he immediately calls me a racist...I am sick and tired of this kind of shit...whenever a white person dares to question something having to do with anything related to black people, we are dirty racist pigs...fuck it!!

So, I bring up the fact that it is seemingly ok for black people to have an entire awards show...I think is is called the Ebony Awards or something...that completely shuts out anyone who is not black...and that if white people had a show called the Ivory awards, there would be riots and marches because that is just so wrong to not include someone based on their skin color...that got me called a racist again...I wanted to sock the shit out of this guy...he had a smug entitled look on his face the whole time he was calling me a racist...

I felt that he was in fact racist, and told him god, the back lash I got from that one...daring to call a black person a racist...I must now be a horrible trashy bitch from hell white chick right??!!!?!? What the fuck ever...I am over the whole thing.

That is all!!



Jeni said...


SignGurl said...

My oldest has suffered 4 years of reversed discrimination at the hands of some girls who feel entitled to make life hell for kids who aren't the right color. I had a really hard time with what to tell my daughter. I have no idea why it's ok for any form of racism and don't condone it. This topic is one of the reasons that our huge school district is suffering "white flight". Nothing is ever done to the tormentors.

I have often wondered why it's ok to exclude groups. It's not like we have Asian heritage month or caucasian history week. The Latinos have one day, Cinco de Mayo and I don't hear them complaining.

This comment is starting to look like a post so I'll shut up now.

barman said...

WMY, exactly! I have said that for years and I have begun resenting Black History month more and more as time goes by. First what is with a whole month? Second, like you said, if we tried something like that it would be overturned by the government.

I am not all that offended by Honkey but you know what, I am starting to get there because anything said my way in a deroagtory way IS NOT OK. That person you spoke of was a racist, no if ands or buts. It is about time that this is recognized.

By the way, I think recognizing ones heratige is very important so part of Black History month makes sense to me but what about black history day and what about other ethnic background days like caucasion history day? I know I AM A RACIST.

Funny, my post from late yesterday brought up the N word also. Different post but still...

Oh and welcome back. I did not realize you were posting again.

barman said...

I agree about celebrating everything. Just think all we could stand to learn about each other.