Saturday, February 24, 2007

It all works out in the end

Have you ever had a day where you just fucking hate everybody? I am talking about gut wrenching, take out a gun and blow someone's ignorant fucking head off, kind of hate?!?

Now, my love bud knows not to fuck with me on those days...he knows his sweet little angel will return to him...after she just about takes out the entire eastern seaboard that

I am a nice person...I swear...but, about once every few months, I turn into a snarling, teeth snapping, I will kill you if you look at me, monster from hell. Yesterday was one of those days...let the fun begin...

"Who left the fucking knife in the butter dish AGAINNNNNNNNNNNNNN?!?!?!?" I roar after stumbling into the kitchen yesterday morning. I had been up for about 3 minutes, so my family knew they were in for a great fucking day!

"Not me"

"Not me"

" Not me..." I hear from different parts of the house, to which I immediately scream, "Well of course nobody did it...oh, wait, maybe I DID IT and just forgot!!"

We are talking about a knife in the butter dish here people, its not like I walked into the kitchen and found shit smeared on the walls for christsake...but, I was in the mood to kill, so whatever...

It is at this point that my love bud comes flying past me, almost knocking me down, and runs into the bathroom and slams the door.

"What the fuck was that about...are you gonna shit yourself or something?" I snarled

"I wouldn't say excuse me either ya fucker!"

Then I hear from inside the bathroom a bunch of bumping around and water running, and THAT PISSES ME OFF TOO... I am in one of those moods remember??

"What in the hell is going on in there?" I wanted to know.

My love bud comes out of the bathroom breathing hard, and with an almost comical look of fear on his face says to me..."After you freaked out about the butter knife, there was no fucking way I was gonna let you find out that I got the floor in the bathroom all wet when I was taking a shower this morning"

This almost made me feel bad for being such a bitch...almost...not quite...

"Yeah....well...your lucky fucker!!"

Needless to say, I am gonna be one blowjob giving bitch this weekend to make up for yesterday...oh well, it all works out in the end right...

Oh, you may be wondering how I make it up to my kids for being such an evil asshole...look at the title of my blog, and keep right on

Hey, I love the

When they are grown up, they can be mean to their kids all works out in the end right??

mmmmuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaahhhaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (that was supposed to be me, laughing maniacally ok?)



barman said...

I am sure glad everyone has learned how to not press any other buttons when possible when you are having a bad day. Glad you made it through and hope things are looking up this week.

SignGurl said...

Did you swallow?

SignGurl said...

Just asking because that really may have made up for it.

wmy said...

barman-it is Tuesday, and I am happy to inform you that everyone is still alive!! lol

signgurl- I love you!!
Here is a little personal note about me...I can't do the swallow sends my gag reflexes right into overdrive.