Wednesday, February 28, 2007

To thong or not to thong...

So, yesterday I was at my local gym, sweating it out with the best of them. I do my little work out. Not too much weight on the bar please...I wanna tone, not blow up like Ahhhnooolllldddddd!! I finish up, head on down to the shower and locker room, and I am fucking assaulted!! Thats right bitches, I was lambasted by the most hideous site of all..................

"My eyes...ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh...the painnnnnnnn......!!!!!"
I may never fucking recover people. What the hell was this heifer thinking when she decided to put a size 5 thong on her size 38 ass?
It was the most ridiculous think ever...actually, you could barely SEE the thong because of all the rolls and puckers of flesh...ahhhhhhhhrrrrrggggg the agony of it all!!

Ok, before you all call me a mean old judgemental bitch, let me just say this to ya...I have no problem with this chick wearing a thong...nope, that is not problem comes in when she waltzes around the locker room, bending over here, and stretching to reach something there...and makes the rest of the world suffer for her bad decision making abilities.
I think all women, regardless of their size can look beautiful...but, put that shit away when you are in public...damn!~!

And no, I am not the thinnest, bestest body in the pack either. I know that wearing a thong can get rid of those unsightly panty lines. I get this, I know that big girls should be able to wear what they want...hell, I applaud those of all shapes....but that does not...under any circumstances...mean it is ok to walk in front of me, and BEND YOUR THONG COVERED ASS OVER RIGHT IN MY FACE!!!! My god woman!!

I think in the future, it would be best to put something over your ass before you put your assssssssss in my face ok...just a thought...



barman said...

WMY, the BlogRolling ping page I mentioned is here The link is

You go to that page and type in the name of your blog and its address. In your care it would be 3kids4sale and Then you press the button labeled Ping. That usually makes it so everyone knows your blog is new. The other part of the trick is to put a link to your own blog in your links. What that allows you to do is see if blogrolling thinks you have a new post or not.

Let me know if that does not make sense. Oh by the way I have and I believe Sign has a link on our page to the blogrolling ping page if you ever need it, just click away.

OK, now lets read that post...

barman said...

Some things are not meant to be. For me an example of this is a pierced naval. Age is not the real limiting factor but I really believe you have to have a very flat tummy to be able to pull it off. Another example is many size to small clothing where you mushroom over the top of the clothing because you are to heavy for the shorts, top, etc.

I have always been disappointed how I look but to be honest I think if I were to spend a little more and get something that fit perfectly I would look a whole lot better without losing one pound. I know many years ago, despite being over weight, I bought two custom tailored suits. I have to tell you, I looked like a million bucks in those suits. Now where was I ... oh yea, ass thongs. I agree, do what you want but don't subject others to that.

G-Man said...

( knock knock knock )

Hello, I'd like to apply for the position of Face Stand-In please..

wmy said...

Barman- thank you...thankyou...
I agree with you about good fitting clothing. Like I said, I am seriously not the skinniest chick by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that having my pants so tight that there is a permanent roll of flesh fighting to get loose all the time is not my idea of fun...I like to be able to breathe, thank you very much!! lol

G-man- I am printing and sending out applications for that position right now...the line is starting to get long...aren't you glad you got here ahead of the rush? lol

Phats said...

That is hilarious!! you should have started singing baby got back

wmy said...

Phats-I like big butts and I cannot lie.....

Jeannie-Is it confidence or just sheer madness?? lol

Signgurl- You got a point baby...some of those thongs are very pretty...I even saw one made of gold and jewels...WTF?? lol

egan said...

just wonderful...