Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Would you, or wouldn't you?

So, after my last post, Jenn over at http://signgurl.blogspot.com
(I think that is right...I am stump dumb when it comes to putting links into my posts)...asked me if I swallowed? Well, that got me to thinking about what I would or would not do while making sweet, sweet, sweaty, passionate love to the love bud...so, here goes:

**Spit or swallow? If you want it swallowed, swallow it your fucking self...I will suck for all I am worth, but please, for the love of cock, you better fucking warn me when you are gonna blow!

**Butt bumping? I always said, hell no!! to that one. I had a boyfriend who gave me the old, "don't knock it till you try it" , so, one night...after more than one margarita...I said I would try it...WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?!?!?! That shit (pardon the pun) HURTS!! owwww..owwwwwwwyyyyyyyy...stop...take it out....owwwwwwwww!
never again!!! and, as for the "don't knock it till you try it" take my advice...just knock his fucking teeth out if he even asks ok?? moving on..

**Toys? WELL, OF COURSE!! We have tried everything from your average vibrator to the one that vibrates, spins, pulsates, plays a tune (WTF??), and will even get you a wet cloth if you are too tired to get up your self!! lol hahahahahahahah

**A little on screen action? Ok, before I became involved with love bud, (10 years ago) I would have kicked your ball sack for even suggesting this shit...however, with a little trust...and again, several margarita's...anything is possible. I doubt you will see our tapes on the shelf along side Paris Hilton's big sloppy pussy tapes, but we do ourselves proud...if I do say so myself!! hahaha

**Waterworks? What the fuck is wrong with some people?? If I wanted someone to piss all over me, I would head on down to the local mission, and lay down by the cleanest looking hobo!! So, that's a big ol hell no on that one!!

**S&M? Oh, yesssssssssss..go ahead big boy...beat the shit out of me please!!! I am all for a little slap on the ass...hell, maybe even a big slap on the ass, but I am not looking to end up resembling a Mike Tyson opponent! My ears are cute dammit, I want to keep them! lol

So, I am gonna go put on some porn...cause I am big into the porn...and try to think up some more would you, or wouldn't you's...for now, sit back, relax, and please, for the love of cock...do not let anyone piss on you!!!


tkkerouac said...


SignGurl said...

Have I told you lately that I love you? I missed your insightful posts like this one.

g-man said...

WMY, I agree on most queries..
I won't spit or swallow
I won't take it up the ass
I don't like to get beat up

The thought of a chick arcing one on me( providing she CAN ) is kinda hot.
I do enjoy some porn, if it's not German..
Thanks WMY, your kind of a fun girl!......G-Man.....Galen

wmy said...

tkkerouac..thank you...what the hell does tkkerouac mean anyway?? lol

signgurl- I am seriously girl crushing on you too!

G-man-- I am kind of a fun girl huh?? Well, hot damn!! That makes my whole day! hahahahaha
Thanks for visiting!

barman said...

You know what, spit or swallow just is not that important to me. I sure would avoid it all together rather than upset someone that was making me so happy.

Butt bumping. Now I have never tried this but I have been curious. Part of my problem is how would you approach someone about this in the first place? I can only go on hearsay but from what I have read if it is done by someone with a lot of experience than it will not hurt as bad as you experienced. You need someone that knows what they are doing and will go slow and, above all else, use lots of lube. Even then many will find it uncomfortable as it is not natural to be dilated like that. I also suspect, since it is so taboo it is not for everyone. Listen to me, talking like I am an expert.

Toys, how about that sybian. Sure does look interesting although real expensive. I think one of those remote jobie dose might be fun. You know you have it in or on you and, in a public place, your mate has access to a remote control. Could be interesting.

I would be very careful about the on screen action. If I were you I would insist to keep the footage. I have been to two different WEB sites where people post partial or full nude pictures of themselves out on the site. One thing you see a bit of is pictures of the ex and they are not always very flattering. I can not help but think they are trying to get even with the ex. I think you need to keep control of the footage to be safe. Hopefully that does not apply to the love bud but hopefully you understand what I am saying.

Waterworks, OK I admit I am curious only because women are built so different than men. I have always wanted to learn something new but somehow I do not see being peed on or worse as a turn on. Can we say Freak?

S&M, as long as it is done without getting carried away than why not. I know more than a few people that like to have their nipples pinched or bitten. A nice swat to the backside to. Even pulling hair. Everyone is different. I am not sure I could stand having my hair pulled! :)

Princess Pointful said...

I have decided that your blog may very well be my guilty pleasure of the day!
You made me giggle on a day I wasn't sure it was possible. Good job.

BTExpress said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you too. Especially nice after reading: "this Ann Coulter bitch" and "thongs - the pros and cons", but was a bit dejected when I read "swallow it your fucking self". I used to be able to when I was 18, but I haven't since. So what's a guy supposed to do?