Saturday, March 03, 2007


Apparently, it is perfectly alright for this Ann Coulter bitch to call someone a FAGGOT on national television...and even receive applause for it!!!
Oh no...there is nothing wrong with our country!!


wmy said...

G-man- of course it was dahhhllliiinnnnggggggggg!! lol

G-Man said...

Who did she call that?

Boy George?
George Michael?
Elton John?
Scooter Libby?
George W. Bush?

Who Dammit?

Anonymous said...

Nope, I believe you misheard her. She actually said "maggot". You need to get your ears cleaned out. Ask one of your orangutan friends to help you out with that :)

wmy said...

G-man- John Edwards...

gareth- ooh ooh ahh ahh