Thursday, March 08, 2007

the look

I love the folks who look after our kids at school, ...really, I do...they have a hard job, and I am thankful they do what they do, but....................................they sure can be some smug mother fuckers can't they??
I got a call from my daughters school...from the "guidance" counselor.

DUM..DUM..DUUUUUMMMMMMMM(scary movie sounds)
So, I go to the school for a meeting, and I am seriously almost shitting myself, I am so nervous... what the fuck for?? I am a grown ass woman, why should I be nervous about getting called into the school?? welllllllllllllllll.......I do not care how long you have been out of school, having to go into the principals office fucking sucks...and its scarrrrrryyyyy!! lol
I go in, and am directed to the principals was just me and the guidance counselor (who is a chick, I know those people who look both male and female, and you are never quite sure if you should say mam or sir???), why the hell did we have to go into the scary place?
The normal introductions are said...thanks for problem... blah, blah, blah...

"So, have you noticed any mood changes in your daughter lately?"
All this is said with the "look" being directed at me. You know the look...
glasses on the end of the nose, eyebrows raised ridiculously high...accusation screaming from every pore on her face...
Now, I do the only thing I can do...I start laughing hysterically of course. We are talking snorting with laughter here folks. This bitch just did not appreciate my humor one little bit...BITCH!!

"Oh, I am sorry...but, we are talking about an eleven year old girl here...she is a walking hormone for christ sake...I keep waiting for her head to spin around" I think I am being very clever...NOPE! Guess not!

I get the "look" again.
"Well Mrs. (my last name) I think this should be taken seriously don't you?"
and then she comes in for the kill.........
"Are there any problems AT HOME?"
and now I am pissed!!
"No, you big fucking bull dyke (I did not call her that...ooooohhhh, but I wanted to) there are not problems at home!"
"She is getting ready to start her period, so she is a bit of a lunatic right now...all this is perfectly normal ya know?" I say to her in an eerily calm voice...she does not know me, so she has no idea how close she is to making the six o'clock news as the woman who had the shit kicked out of her for being a dumb bitch.
We ended up wrapping up the meeting pretty quickly after that...after I let her know exactly how I felt that is.....
I understand that it is their job to look out for the welfare of their students, and lots of the kids do have problems at home...but, for shits sake woman...use your fucking head! You have a young girl who starts acting moody.....odds are, she is gonna be raggin it pretty soon! sheeeeeesh!


barman said...

Oh G-man has all the answers.

I would think you would look for a string of this going on but like you said, when kids, boys and girls, get to the teen years or there about (earlier for girls) what do they expect?

Kind of makes you wonder if they are looking that closely at people, how is it we still have people bringing guns to school and shooting up the place and the people? What they are doing is not working.

tkkerouac said...

thanks for dropping by, I'm up!

SignGurl said...

Who's that? It's Pat! Who's he, or she? Remember that from Saturday Night Live?

Sometimes people lose part of their actual mind when they stuff their heads with book knowledge.

wmy said...

G-man (hanging head) you are....NOT!! I still have not given up on beating you to the number one comment spot....NEVER...I will never give up I tell ya!!

barman-yep, g-man thinks he's cool huh? lol
Yeah, it is amazing what they do pay attention to in the schools.

tkkerouac- Me too!

Yourname- Next time I am gonna skip all the formalities and just bring my belt!

Signgurl-Damn you!!!!! Now I have that "it's pat" song stuck in my head! lol
I think I did see some of that woman's brain leaking out of her ear.

G-Man said...

People People...C'mon, It's only blogging!