Friday, March 09, 2007

"God damn the pusher man"

Doctors these days, I gotta tell ya...
Brief history of me...I had to have my right ovary removed while I was preggo with my daughter because I am prone to cysts, and I had a whopper of a, football size...when I was about 8 weeks along...they went diving for it and...viola!!! Only one ovary left...

Now, about 11 years later, I have started getting cysts on my left ovary...which are FUCKING PAINFUL OK?!?!?
Me- "oooohhhhh, owwwwyyy, oooohhhh, fuck, shit damn..."
Doc-"here is some demerol, it should only take a minute to work since its going right into your IV"
me" la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." giggle, giggle giggle

I get sent home with a prescription for vicodin. Fast forward a month

The doctor is STILL prescribing vicodin for me...

"Hey, isn't there anything else you could give me that would not make me drool all day long and sing It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood?"

Doc"Well, is the vicodin controlling your pain?"
"yes" I slur out drunkenly

"ok then lets keep you on the vicodin for now"
What the fuck is wrong here? He would not even discuss any other pill for pain...I went home and tried out some plain old is working ok for me...but, no, my drug dealer doctor wants to get me hooked on the junk!!
These health care "professionals" are way too willing to dole out narcotics for every little ache and pain. I appreciated them in the beginning, but when I was concerned about being on them for a long time, the doc would not really even listen to me. I bet if I stayed on vicodin for a year, and came to him saying I was addicted, he would briskly show me the door and tell me to go to rehab...not his problem right??? I am now just another addict!! What the hell is going on?? All I can say is...
"God damn the pusher man!!"


G-Man said...

I see people walkin round, with tombstones, their eyes!!

GOD DAMN...The Pusher!!

I love that line...

We need to seriously burn one together Wendy!

SignGurl said...

You know, I just had this conversation today. Apparently, it is a doctor's first duty to push the pills.

If you come out of this addicted, he probably gets a kickback from the addiction center. It all comes full circle back to the almighty dollar.

I miss Motrin. It could cure almost anything wrong with me. I can't take it since surgery. It eats your stomach and since mine's the size of my thumb, I better not chance it.

wmy said...

G-man---one doobie comin right up!!

signgurl- Ya know, it would not surprise me if you were right about the kick back for doctors from rehab centers...
Not being able to take my motrin would be hell...what are you doing for pain control??

barman said...

Wow, I love vicodin but I was not on it for very long. The two times I was put on it I took myself off it fairly quickly. I did not want to see bad consequences. I think there must be some sort of kick back going on.