Sunday, March 11, 2007

Not again!!!

So, I have been walking like someone tried to shove a dick up my ass all day!!! Oh wait...someone did...they did try to shove a dick up my ass!!
It can be really romantic to have the lights dimmed while you are making sweet, sweet love with your honey...but, not if he is a
Thats right was a slip of the tip...and, he's outta there!!!
There is nothing quite like having your love bud going to town, thrusting for all he is worth, then...whoops............
"OOOWWWWW, be careful god dammit!!"
and just like that, the mood was ruined!
I guess we will give it another go...after my ass heals that


barman said...

Oh my, it seems to me you did not like the idea of going that way to begin with. That is even worse doing it by accident. I think you need to get the love bud a map. :) No side trips in the future. Maybe you need to drive next time...

G-Man said...

Wendy what a touching and moving story.......

Wait a minute, this is the Butt-Fuck story isn't it?
Hey Wendy I love real life fuck tales..Your avid fan base felt like we were right there watching all the action, waiting for the big pop, then, HEY HEY HEY!! NOT THERE BUB!!
Man talk about a mood swing..I agree whole heartedly on that one sweetie. No way on the Hershey Highway!
I don't wanna be anybody's back door man!
You Rock The House Baby!!
Later ....G

wmy said...

barman- nope...never been into the heinie hideaway...that's for sure!

G-man- (picking up my pom-poms...big smile now...) "Who rocks the house? G-man rocks the house...and when G-man rocks the house, he rocks it all the way down!!!"

G-Man said...

Don't you DARE leave blogging again..OK?...G

SignGurl said...

OMG! Are you sure you weren' in MY bedroom this weekend?