Saturday, March 10, 2007

They called her the miracle baby

In my last post, I mentioned having to have surgery while I was pregnant with my daughter. I was only 8 weeks pregnant, and the doctors were going to be working in my belly, right next to the was a delicate operation to say the least. The chance of the baby even surviving the surgery was slim. I did not even want to have the surgery...but, I would have died without it...apparently, my ovary had flipped because of a huge cyst, and my tube had twisted, cutting off was a, I had the surgery...They gave me a 5% chance of keeping the pregnancy going...and, here she miracle baby!!!
The budding model/singer/comedian/pain in my ass/love of my life
She is 11 now, and in her short life, she has survived some pretty scary things...the girl is a fighter thats for sure
**Mom's surgery while I was in her belly--no problem!!
**Falling down a flight of stairs in my walker at age 1--ha! Bring it on!!
**Pulling a chain on the cherry picker at age 5 and having it fall on me and knock me unconscious---puleeese, is that all you got??!!!!

Yep, my girl has taken some licks...and she just keeps right on tickin!!

There are days when she has me wanting to pull my hair out...but, even on those days, I do not know what I would do without my miracle baby!



G-Man said...

Wendy that is a wonderful story. I'm not even going to defile it by making some stupid G-Man quip. You post a lot. You either are trying to get rid of me, or you really like me...


ps...Thanks for linking me. I notice things like that. I'll have the beautiful Jenn put you on mine if thats OK?
You see, she is Techno-Whiz....Galen

barman said...

What a lovely daughter and what a wonderful story. I hope she slows down a little. I would hate to expand that Super Dave list she has going there to much.

SignGurl said...

Awwww....she's adorable! With super powers.

I'll link ya at G's when I get a minute.

Phats said...

Wow tough kid eh? glad everything turned out for the good!! :)

wmy said...

g-man- I like you...I really like you! lol

barman- I know...I am gonna start making her wear a helmet!

signgurl- thanks for helping g-man out...poor little

phats-yep, she is still kickin ass and takin names!