Thursday, March 01, 2007

Shot through the heart....and your to blame...

My friend sent this to me in an e-mail...All you computer freaks out there have probably already seen it...shut the fuck up and let the rest of the people enjoy it ok?!?!?

You Know You Grew Up In the 80's if:

1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE.
2. You can sing the rap to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and can do theCarlton
3. You know that "WOAH" comes from Joey on Blossom
4. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock"
5. It was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watchcartoons.
6. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.
7. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer classat school.
8. You made your mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirtin a knot on the side.
9. You played the game "MASH"(Mansion, Apartment, Shelter, House) 10. You wore stonewashed Jordache jean jackets and were proud of it.
11. You know the profound meaning of " WAX ON , WAX OFF"
12. You wanted to be a Goonie.
13. You ever wore fluorescent clothing. (some of us...head-to-toe)
14. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nosefell off and his cheeks shifted.
15. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
16. You took lunch boxes to school...and traded Garbage Pailkids in theschoolyard.
17. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of slap bracelets.
18. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.
19. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because youexchanged handmade friendship bracelets.
21. You ever owned a pair of Jelly-Shoes.
22. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know youare, but what am I?"
23. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up"
24. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inlineskates.
25. You have ever played with a Skip-It.
26. You remember boom boxes and walking around with one on your shoulderlike you were all that.
27. You remember watching both Gremlins movies.
28. You thought Doogie Howser/Samantha Micelli was hot.
29. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
30. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool...and don'teven flinch when people refer to them as "NKOTB"
31. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "SavedBy The Bell," The ORIGINAL class.
32. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - SHOT THROUGH THE HEART.
33. You just sang those words to yourself.
34. You still sing "We are the World"
35. You tight rolled your jeans.
36. You owned a bannana clip.
37. You remember "Where's the Beef?"
38. You used to (and probably still do) say "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
39. You're still singing shot through the heart in your head, aren'tyou!

Ahhhhhh...those were the good old days huh???



SignGurl said...

I still do all of these things, especially the neon stuff. I can't help wanting to draw attention to myself.

Damn you for bringing back Bon Jovi. Oh, it was my damn kids that did that.

barman said...

I grew up in the late 60s and mostly 70s but almost all of these make so much sense to me. There are a few that have me stumped and please stop planting songs in my head. That is just mean.

Lets see, Zach, A C Slater, Screech, Kelly, Hot moma (Jessica), Lisa, Mr Belding. Mow that is just embarrassing.

g-man said...

I don't own a banana clip. But I have a roach clip.

And did I get that job from the last post?

Anonymous said...

OMG I said "NOT" after the end of an email today. I'm doomed now, absolutely dooooooomed :P

wmy said...

signgurl- Well, as long as you don't hang a FLASHING neon sign around your neck that says free blow jobs...I think your ok! lol

barman- yep, slater was the coolest huh...kelly always reminded me of the cool girls at my school, so I hated her!! hahah

G-man- Wellllll...pass that bitch!! lol
I have the top three girls from BBB (big, bountiful bitches) on their way to your face right now!!

Gareth- are doomed! lol
I do remember the not thing...And syke was another one I could not stop saying...ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

yournamehere said...

I already saw this.

Jake Silver said...

Yeah I rememeber a lot of those. But I didn't watch Saved by the Bell and I never wore my hair in a ponytail on the side.