Thursday, April 19, 2007

Busy bitch

Busy, busy, busy...just like a little beaver.
This science class I am taking is just kicking my fucking ass! Big time...with steel-toed boots even! hahahah

Love bud even told me that I was talking about mitosis and "dirty cells" in my sleep.

"Hey babe, whats a dirty cell?"
He asked me this at 6:00 in the morning...I am already pissy because I am up in the first place (fucking kids and their damn school anyway!!)

"What the fuck are you talking about? Dirty cells? I don't fucking know." I say fuck a lot when I am tired and pissy.

"Don't get cunty with were moaning about mitosis and dirty cells last night in your sleep. I would have thought it was something about know your family...but you threw the mitosis part in and fucked me all up."

My god, the man is calling me cunty when I am already pissy...has he learned nothing in the past 10 years of blessed life with me?

"You know, fuck face, I wouldn't be playing fast and loose with that word if you plan on getting anywhere near THAT WORD later on tonight!"

Oh yeah, the love was definately flowing, let me tell ya! hahaha...some couples show their love by giving each other little gifts, some write their partner love poems...not us...we go with calling each other cunty and fuck face...its the kind of love that lasts!! lol

I have no idea what I was dreaming about...Sometimes I can remember my dreams, but I forget most of them.

I bitched at the love bud a little bit for that jab about my family too...only I get to talk about them being a bunch of crackwhores and prison pussies!

catch ya'll in a bit...


barman said...

So what about these dirty cells? Oh wait, this comment is being made very early in the morning. I best be careful.

I'll just slip away and come back when you are awake...

G-Man said...

Don't get twatty with me!

...Yeah, Cunty sounds LOTS better!
Have a great day Wendy.

Tim said...

i hope they don't teach you that cells evolved from nothing thru chance, mutations and lots of time!!! But they probably will....

SignGurl said...

Is this class Cell Biology? I hated that class.

We'll be here when you get back.

c nadeau & t johnson said...

I love poetry :)

Weekends Off said...

Oh my gosh lol he was treadding on thin ground calling you that! Does he still have all of his teeth???


Mr. Shife said...

Oh boy I can relate to love bud. There are times when you say something to your significant other that you wish you could retract instantly. For me and Mrs. Shife it was when I called her a bitch, and let's just say I was not her favorite for a little bit. I don't dare drop the c-word on her because I like my testicles in their current location.

Anonymous said...

I found your site from another one and was cracking up because what you have written on just this first page sounds so much like my husband and I. Only I don't say it as funny. I was sad to see you haven't written since April of last year. Just wanted to let you know I thought it was hilarious. roo1002 at yahoo dot com