Sunday, June 18, 2006

Penis day's to all of you who have a penis...and figured out how to use it at least once!!!hahahahaha................. Awwwww come on, you know I had to be a little crude right?? RIGHT!!
Have a great day daddies...just don't forget that you need the mommies to make you we would ever let you poor saps forget it in the first place!! lol


Work it baby, work it!!

see ya


Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA original if nothing else ;)
And yes it is, thanks ;)

barman said...

I have no proof mine works so I will just have to settle celebrating my Dads day. Very intersting by the way.

Phats said...

HAHA nice

wmy said...

gareth,barman, and phats...I love you guys too!! I know thats what you were really trying to say!! lol

Tim said...

Yes that's true, we do need you ladies to become daddies. Wouldn't have it any other way. (Like you ladies don't enjoy it, too...)

Mone said...

well said for some of the men kind who think with the head in their pants =)

Crabby said...

LMAO! Nice twist! Damn. Why didn't I think of that one. ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha!

SignGurl said...

Dayum girl! You have gone post crazy! Happy Penis Day (shaking my head). Only you could come up with that, haahahaha!

wmy said...

go denny, go, go go
You inspire me crabby!!
thanks signgurl...I am taking my bow right now!

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!
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