Monday, September 11, 2006

9-11 Tribute to Ann Judge

When American Airlines flight 77 was hijacked by cowards on September 11, 2001 and crashed into the Pentagon at around 9:45 am, many wonderful lives were lost...I am paying tribute to one of those lives.

Ann Judge was Director of Travel for the National Geographic Society. Ann and her colleague Joe Ferguson, Director of Geography Education Outreach Program, were traveling that Tuesday morning along with 3 students to California. Ann spent 22 years with the Society, and she went on numerous educational trips like this over the years. Ann was from Great Falls Virginia. Many, many people's lives were touched by Ann over the years. She helped facilitate many a trip for folks going to all reaches of the globe, and many remember that their trip was that much smoother because of Ann.

Ann will mostly be remembered for her "can do" attitude, no problem was too big to try and overcome for Ann.

I did not know Ann Judge personally, but I feel like I know her now after having read about her. She will be greatly missed by those who did know her in life, and those who read about her now. The Ann Campana Judge Foundation is an ongoing testament to a great lady's life work.

Ann, we will always remember you!!



Tumbleweed said...

That was wonderfully sweet!

kateandjona said...

Thank you for sharing. Ann sounds like someone I would like to have known. and thanks for remembering.

Anonymous said...

Here here, well said :)

How goes it?

SignGurl said...

Thank you for remembering this person from the plane that hit the Pentagon. More emphasis needed to be put on it since lives were tragically lost there as well as at WTC.

Crabby said...

Hey, you're posting again! About time, kiddo!

Jimbromski said...

I worked at NGS from 1996 to 1999 and knew Ann. Not well, but we used to share smokes in front of the bldg every so often. She was a nice woman and deserved better.

Thanks for doing this, we need to keep remembering.

Anonymous said...

LOL I've never seen that before on a blog roll but EVERY person on your list has a new post today, lol.

Where are you?????

Phats said...

Haev a nice Christmas WMY, sorry I didn't know you were back

very touching post sweet!

JeannieGrrl said...

That whole thing was so tragic....
I came to say thx for the cyber hug :) you rock!

SIMPLY ME said...

Thanks for you comments, Happy belated V Day.