Monday, March 12, 2007

Keep the change

What is the youth of America learning these days?? Apparently, not fucking much!! lol

If you ever want to really fuck with a teenager, ask them to make change for you...

I was at my local health food diner(Mcdonalds) and after ordering the diet plate(#3-quarterpounder w/cheese), and a piece of fruit(fried apple pie) for dessert...the real fun began.

"That will be $6.49 mam" says the bifocal/braces wearing teen behind the counter

"No problem" I reply "Here you go" and I hand him a 10 dollar bill

2.3 seconds later, I say"oh, wait, let me give you this instead so I do not end up with a bunch of singles and change" and I hand him another dollar and 49 cents

Hold up!!! Now this kid is fucking panicking. "But...umm...I already punched $10 into my register" he says to me with a hysterical look of confusion on his face.

Apparently once they push that magic button on the register that tells them what change to give, there is no way in hell they can deviate from that.

At this point, I am trying to explain to him that I only want a five dollar bill back, and it is ok...his register will not turn out short...just put the extra $1.49 into the register and GIVE ME MY FUCKING FIVE BUCKS!!

I am telling you folks, this kids entire world came to a screeching halt as he stood there trying to figure out what to do next. He actually called for a manager to get help!!

I was almost to the breaking point by then...I mean come on!! I just want to go out and stuff my face with cheeseburger...I mean, cottage cheese and peaches...yeah, thats what I

So, the manager comes up...and, I swear I am not making this up...HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO MAKE CHANGE EITHER!!!

I wanted to put my finger to my lips and start doing a porky pig...badeep, badeep, badeep...thats all folks! hahahahahah

There was an older gentleman behind me in line, and even he was trying to help me explain things to these two bumbling go kids!!! I could see there was not gonna be a five dollar bill in my future, so I just said "you know what? just give me back the $1.49...act.. like.. I ..never.. gave to.. you... OKAAAAYY???" you could tell the kid was near tears, cause he just could not comprehend what to do about that extra $1,49.

I really fear for the future of this country. I am exhausted just remembering this shit.



G-Man said...

OK, so when he stuck it in, did it really feel...
hey wait a minute, this ain't the Butt-Fuck post anymore!

I don't wanna hear this shit....

Sweetie your hot even when ranting. Thanks xox

Tim said...

that's so funny, its stupid/scary.


tkkerouac said...

Its stupid scarey, but I'm the same way when it comes to anything to do with math.
I've gotta get me one of those clocks like you have on your blog, so I can set a time limit for blogging.

Phats said...

this so wouldn't have happened at Burger King! hahaha :)

The poor kid he probably pissed himself

barman said...

I remember growing up in the 70s there was one person I went to school with and she was afraid she would not get a job because she could not calculate the sales. You know, 10 percent off. Power math here folks. Of course that is not fair as math, other than calculus, has never bothered me.

Now a days I am suprised the cash register does not tell them give them 2 quarters and a penny and four dollar bills. People no longer seem to think for themselves. Hey I write computer programs for a living. Maybe I can teach the computer to keep some of the change if both the clerk and the supervisor do not know their math. I will be rich.

wmy said...

g-man- keep up honey, keep up!!

green- yepperdoo!!

tk- I have the clock, and I STILL spend way too much time blogging! lol

phats- of course know those burger king kids are rocket scientists.hahahah

barman- It really is sad.

G-Man said...

Hi Wendy!!!

SignGurl said...

Ask them to count it back to you and see what they do. Idiots!

I worked in a store where the first thing you learned was how to count back and make change. If you didn't do it, you got written up.

However, when I was a manager, there was this dude who would come in and do the old switcheroo. He would start with wanting change for a $5, then it was a $10. In the end, he got an employee to give him an extra $20. Ya gotta watch out or those kind.

Cara Bara said...

sad way sad. yup this is our future!

Anonymous said...

You just KNOW that that kid is going to grow up to be an accountant and then he can look back at his run-in with 'that silly lady 10 years ago who confused me with $1.49' ;)

G-Man said...


Anonymous said...

ya know when you asked for your change back it REALLy confused him.
He probably felt like he got ripped off the rest of his shift.
I've had that happen and yes you can see their eyes glass over immediately.